What is Environmental Education?
Environmental Education is a concept composed of two terms necessarily complex and definable. Education is a comprehensive, widespread and involves a relationship between values, attitudes and behaviors. The values \u200b\u200bdetermine attitudes, which in turn are related to behaviors [1] . Education is also critical for achieving awareness, values \u200b\u200band attitudes, skills and environmental and ethical behavior consistent with sustainable development and to encourage effective public participation in decision-making process [2] . Educating is a process of self necessarily result from the interactions between the observation, the cultural, cognitive and language. Any new information either from experience or culture, is related to other part of the cognitive structure of every person that is changing as a result of that interaction. Language is the main instrument of regulation of this change, as talking with others and with oneself is like recognizing the consistency of thoughts [3] .
The environment resulting from the combination of social, economic, political, administrative and Ecological concerning the individual, the place where chemicals are located, physical, biological and thermodynamic characteristic of an ecosystem and the biotic and abiotic that allow growth and development.
Environmental Education is, therefore, "a process of recognizing values \u200b\u200band clarifying concepts in order to promote the skills and attitudes necessary to understand and appreciate the interactions between people, their culture and their biophysical environment. Environmental education also entails practice in decision-making and of the elaboration of a code of behavior with respect to matters related to the quality of the environment " [4]
What are your goals?
Defined in 1975 in Belgrade Charter, Environmental Education is objectives [5] :
1. Awareness: to help the person and social groups to acquire greater sustainability and environmental awareness in general and related problems.
2. Knowledge: to help individuals and social groups acquire a basic understanding of the environment as a whole, related problems and the presence and role of humanity in it, which implies a critical responsibility.
3. Attitudes: to help individuals and social groups acquire social values \u200b\u200band a deep interest in the environment, which prompt them to participate actively in the protection and improvement.
4. Skills: Help individuals and social groups to acquire the skills to solve environmental problems.
5. Capacity assessment: to help individuals and social groups to evaluate measures and environmental education programs in terms of ecological, social, aesthetic and educational.
6. Participation: to help individuals and social groups to develop a sense of responsibility and to become aware of the urgent need to pay attention to environmental issues, to ensure that appropriate action is taken thereon.
What are values?
The word value, attributed to a person, represents the moral and intellectual qualities to be assigned to man, symbolize for each person the essence of what is important, true, beautiful and good, both for her and for the acts or objects [6] . Values \u200b\u200bare not scientific facts, however, the positive aspect involves use this methodology can be used to make people more critical and aware of their own values \u200b\u200band allow them to share with others sincerest form [7] . Values \u200b\u200bmust permeate the individual behaviors after going through the internalization, reflection, criticism, where a question arises if that defines is or is not necessary to assume a particular behavior. A successful value system is one that is based on the will, on acceptance. [8]
What values \u200b\u200bprevail in Environmental Education?
values \u200b\u200bare those that involve the interplay between elements, respect for difference and realize the importance of collective development, the ability to make decisions about our environment and respond to our actions. Some of these values \u200b\u200bare outlined below: Solidarity
Leadership Responsibility
Stress Tolerance
Autonomy Urbanity
Trust Respect
Identity Dialogue Participation
What mechanisms are used in environmental education?
tools with greater efficiency and impact in the process of environmental education are those that begin with a recognition of individual values \u200b\u200band persuade the person so that through reflection, make new and better attitudes. Some tools used in environmental education are presented in Table 1.
Table 1 Tools for Environmental Education

What strategies are used in environmental education?
The strategies used in environmental education processes can be classified into
educational strategies are activities that help guide the training process, and among others are:
· Workshops,
· Forums,
· Colloquium,
· activities entertainment,
· Outputs field
· Festival of Black River,
· Games.
2. Communication strategies
Communication is a key link among all social, and mainly in the education process. The communication tools are:
· Primers
· Banners
· Murals
• Programs radial
TV Programs of
· Logo Environmental Education Program
[1] Goffin, Luis. Formation of Attitudes and Values \u200b\u200bin Environmental Education. Luxembourg, Belgium.
[2] UNESCO. Rio de Janeiro Declaration on Environment and Development. Brazil, 1992
[3] MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT. Activity Guide for Environmental Education HABITAT. Madrid, Spain.
1996 [4] IUNC - Commission Education of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. International Workshop on Environmental Education in School Curriculum.
[5] Summary taken from G. García, Javier; Nando R., July. TEACHING STRATEGIES IN ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION. Malaga, Spain. 2000
[6] UNESCO - UNEP. Guidelines for environmental values \u200b\u200beducation.
[7] G. García, Javier; Nando R., July. TEACHING STRATEGIES IN ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION. Malaga, Spain. 2000
[8] Goffin, Luis. Formation of Attitudes and Values \u200b\u200bin Environmental Education. Luxembourg Belgium
[9] UNESCO - UNEP. Guidelines for environmental values \u200b\u200beducation.
[10] G. García, Javier; Nando R., July. TEACHING STRATEGIES IN ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION. Malaga, Spain. 2000