ever wondered how an object came into his hands? or how it is possible that our homes are becoming more and more obsolete items? or why disposables are the number one in the world and why not use a more durable product? Well, if he did I think I've seen the video The history of things and if not already done so, I invite you to see!
A continauciĆ³n are the links to each of the 3 parts that make this documentary, which aims to spread to all consumers, the current form of production externalities it brings.
also invites us to reassess the happiness that we seem to have achieved (or lost) due to the absolute need to EAT!. The Inviti and to see the film and leave comments.
Part 1
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgZY78uwvxk&eurl=http://www.letra.org/spip/article.php? id_article = 2557
Part 2
Part 3
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgZY78uwvxk&eurl=http://www.letra.org/spip/article.php? id_article = 2557
Part 2
Part 3
More in The Story of Stuff : http://www.storyofstuff.org/