The November 11, 1875 at the initiative of President Domingo Sarmiento, opened Tres de Febrero Park (the date of the Battle of Caseros .) The original project was provided by the architects Ernesto Oldendorf, Fernando Mauduit and Jordan Wysocky, and was completed in 1876 by the architect Julio Dormal. Further enlargements (between 1892 and 1913) were made by the landscaper Carlos Thays. In the park, on Avenida Sarmiento between Libertador and Figueroa Alcorta, is the monument to Red Riding Hood. Made of marble, was purchased by the City of Buenos Aires in 1937. It is the work of Frenchman Jean Carlus.En this area was one of the most important milongas tango history, "Hansen's. Between 1895 and 1910 was the most popular night spot in Buenos Aires. It was located at the corner of the current avenues Sarmiento and Figueroa Alcorta.
The Rose Garden is the heart of the Parque Tres de Febrero. Was created in 1914 by the landscaper Carlos Thays. Originally set on 14,700 rose bushes and currently has more than 12.000.Sus most important attractions are the Andalusian Patio (built in 1929 and given by the English city of Seville), the Arbor (covered with climbing roses) and the White Bridge (a magnificent building wood over the lake). In the center of the Rose is the Garden of the Poets, with busts of William Shakespeare, Alfonsina Storni, Dante Alighieri, Federico GarcĂa Lorca, Antonio Machado and Jorge Luis Borges, among others.
Palermo artificial lakes formed by flooding the vacuum created by the removal of land to build embankments railroad. They are surrounded by a beautiful forest of gals, eucalyptus, hackberry trees and ombĂșes. You can rent rowboats or pedal. Nearby is the Museo Eduardo Sivori (Infanta Isabel 555), the oldest in the city. has an endowment of more than four thousand five hundred works of Argentine art: sculptures, tapestries and important collections of drawings and engravings. This typical place
Buenos Aires offers a lot to learn and enjoy.