Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Where To Buy Metathione

162. Santos and FARC, no more of the same, please!

SO THE VEO YO - Year 6
162. Santos and FARC, no more of the same, please! Rescuing the Peace
not only prisoners and hostages

By Juan Rubbini

I do not think that behind the order releases week has been electoral calculation but I do not agree on this with the majority of ordinary people who smile and nod from saying the opposite. If you know a Uribe!, Much more than me safe.

The rescue of the 4 members of the security forces of the FARC prisoners, some of them detained for more than twelve years, acquires a symbolic value that exceeds the bulky marker that signals the government's favor was Uribe. However, the triumphalism of the victors should not be assumed as we well on violence and armed conflict. Not just because they exist in their ordeal a score of soldiers and police but because there are hundreds of civilians held of the guerrillas and the threat of kidnapping not only has not disappeared but incubated regrets over the coming months and years do not bode well if the new government insists on resolving the humanitarian tragedy by way of military victory impossible and the extermination of the armed opposition.

There is something infinitely dangerous in the 'democratic security' as understood by Uribe. According to this view of conflict are a good side and bad guys are the other. On that side who violate the law are 'narco-terrorists "and those who violate this side are just' bad apples' when not victims of conspiracies of Justice amangualada with drug traffickers and insurgent forces. This speech crude and rudimentary, but politically effective-not conducive to ending violence but who provides electoral successes mounted on this crude Manichaeism able to camouflage its failure to resolve the problems with his victories at the polls. That this discourse produces quarrelsome and warmongering prove electoral success of Uribe's two wins and the imminent victory of Santos. Eight years of militarism and sophisticated control of public opinion have transformed the continuance of war, humanitarian failure-in a triumph of the 'democratic security' and what is worse and sadder, socially speaking, a 'triumph' Colombian society.

We prepared for four years where the best kept secret of the new government, at least in the intentions of the pro-Uribe coalition inserts Santos-not remove the FARC from the war, but perpetuate it, and next to the FARC, proliferate all kinds of new paramilitary groups whose strings demonic-not exactly 'santos'-will be handled from the very Uribe revolving door ensures that the old armed conflict and narco funding continue to be recycled into the hands of suggestive' alias' criminal lives each again individually ephemeral but ever more consolidated as 'warfare systems', Curiously, 'warfare systems' that have to survive with political and media operators specifically dedicated to boycott the process of dialogue and political solution. And pretend it's legacy as advocates Uribe to any 'deviations' of Santos. Are these authentic specimens 'warlords' on whose actions the Justice and the opposition will have to be vigilant and adhere to the Most Holy who genuinely imbued with a philosophy of true national unity.

Given this humanitarian tragedy unfolding before our eyes can sense the best of 'what silent way' the President Uribe aborted the peace process with the AUC and distorted its political essence and the fight against drug trafficking, making it easier for new bands emerging from the state-and inexperience of his political calculus formally ensure that while some were betrayed, captured, killed and extradited, other 'chosen' followers assume the role of the 'paramilitary' in the reengineering of it has failed to produce the "democratic security" whose ultimate goal and this is what the electorate has not yet managed to discern, is not end the guerrillas but to raise national goal unwinnable war for the sole purpose of profiting politically and not only politically, and not victory but the prosecution and recycle the old conflict.

These 'eggs' of the armed conflict and its aftermath as profitable for Uribe's speech are to be preserved for at least four years, unless the claim deception is revealed by the new civic front to consolidate between the citizens' alliance for peace, democracy and even the legality and why not? Juan Manuel Santos for president. If from the plain had the courage to meet with FARC, ELN and why Self would not do it from the legitimacy of his presidency when armed and demobilized to step forward and offer their support for peacebuilding. There are available the Peace Minimum common denominator of national harmony just presented the Church of Colombia to the attention of all those men and women of goodwill who are not seduced by the calls of those interested in larger wounds and continue the war.

therefore crucial that the FARC will draw their own conclusions and begin to put an end to political events to the cycle of isolation of the Colombian people and citizens who do not want the continuation of armed conflict or dictatorship want to occupy any Instead of democracy and democrats.
If the FARC
beyond the fence that aims to limit as appendages of foreign governments, or simple links in the chain of drug trafficking, making it the "terrorist enemy" that justifies the 'anything goes' bad government to be learned from the fallacies of Uribe important thing is not to end the conflict but to use in ensuring their own advantage and force reproduction, few opportunities exist to Colombia to get rid of karma of violence endemic.

prefer to imagine that after the August 7 and the FARC will insist on more of the same, or continue Santos Uribe's mandate, nor Petro Mockus or pretend to be 'more Catholic the pope. "

will not vote for the 'national unity' of the one against the other, the good against the bad, and the military on one side against the other military. But if this is the National Union of all to all a Great National Agreement on the basics, which also fit the FARC and the AUC, the ELN and emerging bands, good and evil, victims and victimizers, then to this we pull it, not only because it brings a challenge what looks impossible, but because of this great misunderstanding that we have been at war for decades we will not but a new beginning, where the dividing line is drawn between legal and illegal but not back but forward, not for the few but for the benefit of everyone, especially those who suffer most from war. I hope

from August 7 'true positives' first and foremost, of Santos and the FARC, and from there everything should be possible, the impossible too.

Colombia is on the verge not only of a new government, but also a new opposition. A new style and new content, new recipes, different goals and in so many good things the best of them all: the soul willing to repentance and forgiveness, the purpose of amendment and correction.

call is not national unity to division outcasts of society and elected deify or non-existent and false security, but should be invited to the Bureau of Peace and Reconciliation, and not only invited, seduced and also called as true brothers and sisters' children prodigal 'who went to war without saying goodbye and we want to return them also, free, live in peace.

So I see myself.

The 161 articles included in the published series, launched in March 2005 - ASI YO LA VEO available to the reader in

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Ice Skating Party Goody Bag Ideas

161. The 50 and 50 today sounds like a miracle, and 80 to 20 I dread

SO THE VEO YO - Year 6
Abstention threat
beat all records

By Juan Rubbini

20 The real competition appears to be between Santos and Mockus, but both against abstention. The question is not whether you win one or the other, it is not disputed and not even a topic of conversation. Juan Manuel Santos

not lose the second round. That is clear and has a mathematical chance of losing not mean in any way that there are possibilities Mockus policies that make the winner. However, it is not won by one vote, to win by three million or ten. This is what is at stake and for which neither the Greens can afford to get less than three million votes-those of the first round, and Santos not to repeat the six and a half million votes on May 30. Neither Saints nor

Mockus generate passion of multitudes, and great love and great hatred. Santos leads the tide Uribe is no longer the highest level and tide Mockus presages a time that promises us will come but not yet arrived. Uribe and Santos not Mockus not Savonarola. No polarized in one direction or another, can hardly hope to lead as best they can a society and even tame resignation had legitimized their vote Uribe's third term. Both came to an unexpected end and they imagined before the Constitutional Court disapproved of the referendum reelection. So, a two-round invite more people to abstain than to vote and do not compromise in any way the legacy of Uribe. Neither the democratic security and investor confidence are at risk, and social cohesion of drool as tight as we can only trust Uribe left to improve is to Santos, is with Mockus.

However, it is irrelevant that the result of 20 is closer to the concrete tie or the win that new and old Uribe Santistas predict with enthusiasm. Speaking today to tie it sounds crazy, and many ridiculous and laughable, and to predict a vote for Santos exceeding ten million votes seems at hand. The paper can resist anything from the unlikely hypothesis that Mockus tie-up would be a resounding victory "until a score of ten million to one or two million Mockus certainly deserves neither would do well to Colombian democracy. So I am inclined to think that for the good of everyone, including winners and losers, as healthy for the democratic system would be the victory of one or the other by a respectable but not overwhelming margin. I fear less the bad losers than winners ill. Among other things because bad winners boast after disaster ruling and making political capital. In contrast, the losers, it is better to lose by little and do not become discouraged and self-criticism, because if they lose by a lot are tempted to throw in the towel and leave the ground too clear the triumphalism of those who won.

All this to say to celebrate with wins democratic spirit that wins Mockus Santos or whether it also provides that whoever wins does not exceed 60% and whoever loses will not receive less than 40%. I scare a win of 70% to 30% and terrify me a victory of 80% to 20%. Is that democracy is not consistent with the unanimity, and the overwhelming majority is sufficient guarantee for the vast minority. For this reason and because I prefer switching to more of the same, my vote is sung on June 20. And not only that, but because Mockus has a meaning that goes beyond the merely political, it only circumstantial. Mockus, with its lights flashing and his genius-skilled homeopathic chest cold but would the plank-Argentine, Colombia embodies many we would if we dared, we wish that we deserve if we do not feel guilty, we dream when we dream really , which is just around the corner if only we were eager to take a few steps instead of remaining motionless, overwhelmed by the weight of disappointment and death around the corner.

Juan Manuel not to blame for everything happens to us, so do not feel that Colombia loses if he wins, or they would die the hopes for peace and progress if he is elected President. It is not, nor is Mockus, is more what they stand for what they are, the more you express who you vote for them, that they, that of not being faced up could be a good formula presidential. By the way, something very noble and good with both candidates and that reassures me, one has to Angelino and the other has to Fajardo.

What makes me think that if National Unity is true and not pure electoral wagon may peace and reconciliation are so close with some than with others, and this really would be something worth applauding. At least Angelino Garzon said that if he becomes vice president will take into account to manage the minimum the peace that drives the Church.

For this and much more, too optimistic and believe in good over all evil my vote is sung but not tied up, calm my heart and my sincere congratulations to both the wins and who loses, not one is Messiah or the other emperor, neither one knows it all and the other owns the moral.

That this world did not come to teach but to learn.

So I see myself.

The 161 articles included in the published series, launched in March 2005 - ASI YO LA VEO available to the reader in

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Isabella Soprano Hbo Cathouse

160. The two false positive

SO THE VEO YO - Year 6

vote on 20 for a colorful rainbow that announces the new sun peace and social equity

By Juan Rubbini

Sunday's results can not be seen with one eye but should be studied with the two eyes open. It is true that Santos beat Mockus 5-2 (46.56% to 21.49% according to Bulletin 49 of the Registry), but the fact remains that the continuity that aims Santos Uribe even tied 1 to 1, but he almost does, (46.56 to 51.29), in competition with the other citizens who came to vote or Mockus, or Vargas Lleras, or Petro, or Naomi or Pardo.

is understood that the Uribe magnifique 5 to 2 and try to cover the 1 to 1. But electoral politics is the only true reality is expressed in the polls. And the polls showed that the political country is fractured into two almost equal parts: one part is convinced to go ahead with Uribe in power is the best thing that can happen, and half think exactly the opposite, though with different nuances democracies mature and thoughtful. We can not accept to continue stating that 'the country is Uribe' when Uribe is only half and understood, is half of those who vote, because the other half-no fewer than 15 million Colombians voted no on Sunday 30 we were not knowing what will be thinking about whether Uribe is the best thing that could have happened and still happening in Colombia. Yes we can guess that none of them are so thankful to Uribe to go out and support at the polls, and that does not believe any of the other options deserve support. How many of these fifteen million voters did not vote for the FARC, the ELN, or the proscribed demobilized former heads of the self-defense if they were the candidates? Today we do not know and would be good if we knew one day they too guerrillas, paramilitaries and Colombian demobilized are and always will be more representative and inclusive democracy where we are as close as possible to one vote for each member of the electoral register and each Colombian a potential candidate. Or not?

But back to the initial argument. During these months of campaigning, and particularly in recent weeks was preached in the media, and rightly ruled out calling a useful vote in the first round vote and exercise their own choice, regardless of whether the candidate or the candidate had Odds of winning as surveys. Clearly not what he did 'uribito' Arias working for the candidacy of the U-hypocrite and surreptitiously against his Conservative Party as just denounced and verse Noemi Sanin. And certainly not what made a few bosses, electoral barons, warlords and liberal manchineel joining Brown lied while taking their votes for Santos. Is that if it were not so Santos votes would not have ever reached the figure exhibit today. In fact, when the presidential palace were assured that the intention to vote for Santos barely reached 33% multiplied the emphasis on two strategies: one with Arias, penetrating the Conservative Party, and one with Rivera, penetrating the Liberal Party. In both looking for what finally got: deflate the traditional parties and swell the numbers of the pair Santos-Uribe. And this while moving all his chips to migrate toward Mockus votes Vargas Lleras and Petro mainly. Les worked. It is not the first time that the brightness loss of naivety. So smug strategists Santos-Uribe had made to prevail once again not only that anything goes but the end always justifies the means. Note well, liberals and conservatives in pursuit of tactical voting 'fret' indecently their votes for Santos, while most of the votes and the polls were not wrong- Mockus reaching finished migrating mainly to Vargas Lleras and Petro. Some say they were naive, what can not be said is that they were decent. Do not give me numbers if a few wise words and almost any number. Facilitated the means 5 to 2 and 1 to 1, two 'false positives', those at least not stained with blood.

This happened on May 30. June 20 will be different and serious concern to Santos and Uribe
because with only two candidates face to face opportunities to get their hands and not get in the act are lower, but anything can happen, and we must remain alert, because Uribe and Santos both know that if they lose on 20 June, the country will have a few accounts receivable, the first and pressing of Justice, the victims, those who have been persecuted, pikes, stigmatized, silenced.

Anyway, to continue celebrating the U of false positives Berrima May 30: '5 2 'and the '1 to 1', that June 20 will not be repeated or at least, if repeated, not go unpunished: they, if they win, will his presidency of the 'anything goes' for which he will 'sell their soul to the devil' but Colombia will have given birth to a new opposition, crayons and pencils, sunflowers and imagination, left-libertarian, democratic, civil rights and kind of independent discretion and will, without a collar and without a master, a rainbow of colors that were born free to defeat fascism Creole, social inequality and political exclusion.

Some say they are carrots, others are commies, do not miss the stupid that says they are 'useful idiots'. No matter: a foolish words deaf ears, "one is just what it is and always goes with the job."

The democratic revolution is underway, the culture of life is here to stay, in opposition when he plays, the government wins when good law, but indifferent the injustices ever.

No deadline is not met, no debt is not paid. And the social debt in Colombia is huge, so immense as unfair. Taxes are for it, not to subsidize the rich and give to the family zones for fair presidential and insurance agroingreso those who have everything, just everything you need so many wretched of the earth who have nothing, not even debts because they have never had credit.

The eggs can be reassured that the thing is not with them: what needs to change on June 20 is the course, the brooding that is castrated unable to grow. Is not it true, Mrs. republic?

So I see myself.

The 160 articles included in the published series, launched in March 2005 - ASI YO LA VEO available to the reader in