SO THE VEO YO - Year 6
Maturana said it best: "Losing is also earn a little"
If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy. Then he becomes your partner (Nelson Mandela)
Nelson Mandela (born 1918) is a South African politician Nobel Peace Prize. Was a political prisoner for 25 years. In 1994 he became the first black president of the Republic of South Africa.
The candidate could not win without appearing as the successor to Uribe. But now that I won, President Santos will receive the inheritance with the benefit of inventory. Take what works and discard what militates against their success. Start working for his own reelection, not Uribe's return to power. Uribe'll see if it competes with Santos, and how it goes if you try. Uribe is not an easy bone to chew, to Santos, no doubt. What is to be seen is how hard to crack is Santos if Uribe has given life difficult. Santos
unquestionably won and also won twice. A Mockus what Uribe won comfortably and caught him with a superior mandate. The national unity is stronger than 'democratic security', is supported her but goes much further and reaches deep. On the horizon appear with Uribe political agreements lay buried, there are prospects of a government 'broad understanding' and even the opposition has reason to put the shoulder to the President-elect without losing its necessary and legitimate vocation of power. Between green and polo players not only variety in the ruling coalition is guaranteed but the time is propitious for competitions of various kinds with performers who compete not just with government but also among themselves.
However, it is expected that national unity was not only include a pluralistic and democratic society, but bridges of rapprochement with those who oppose the state outside the law, even supplant the state and those who occupy positions that compete with the guerrillas and the military and security forces. Colombia has merits to close definitely the era of armed conflict and its aftermath of "para-politics 'and drug trafficking,' pop band 'and' patronage armed. " If Uribe's single with 'peace' at hand was that of the tombs, extraditions, the 'false positives', fumigation and their own and successive re-elections, all spiced with 'pikes' right and left, pressures to Justice and stigmatization of opponents, now after the presidential elections of June 20, the inherited problems are inherited and are visible or near-know justice will go through, "but the future is no longer mortgaged, nor guaranteed by armed conflict life.
What Uribe has refused to meet Santos looks that will want to harmonize. And what John Manuel will not be able to do only what the unit will have to national, that if you have to be such is to be Uniting for Peace, Unity to end the injustice and exclusion unit to be possible Forgiveness and Reconciliation, based on justice, truth and reparation.
Just as we, so good. With Santos missed the green, or yellow, or even armed opponents. Neither the Uribe lost or conservatives or liberals. Somehow Mockus was fulfilled that which proclaims democracy as a game where nobody loses and everyone wins with deliberation and arguments. Of course this is only a sketch, just the beginning. But we started well, and optimism is not always ill-informed, much less a sin. The foundational periods have that 'do not know what' that makes them compelling and engaging, friendly and desirable. It is more and more profound than in politics often called 'honeymoon' and taken as natural, but with some maturity and cruel.
When I say that no one lost with the triumph of Santos also included Uribe and his first ring unconditional. Maybe I'm wrong and they will be the only losers, but I truly believe that his victory is that the democratic success of today, the promise and the goal of national unity, but also included and were not in the same direction it is just a headache as they happen, while if his thesis' furibistas' triumphant we all Colombians, they, too, from bad 'Pior' of ass pal 'pond. Therefore
Juan Manuel, but did not vote for you, here I am and here I stay, between columns and columnists, with my smoke signals, and an occasional vuvuzela dream-chasing guerrillas and paramilitaries, society, political parties and State finally agreed that national unity is with all and for all, without winners or losers.
the peace is made between those who were enemies, not angels, nor between single demons.
Because if it just causes and just causes Just nothing that peace, and nothing more unjust than war.
So I see myself.
The 163 articles included in the published series, launched in March 2005 - ASI YO LA VEO available to the reader in www.lapazencolombia.blogspot.com