Friday, January 21, 2011

Brent Corriganfree Vids

"Mirror, mirror ...." ANCESTRAL VOICES

share with you my lovely readers a text from a friend of mine whom I love dearly. Mariana
Heaven Magic:

"Mirror, mirror ...."

Why recognize as part of "ONE" we find it so difficult ?......
Perhaps as a woman I'm learning to recognize my own power, limitations and blessings without blame other than myself, when I look in the other only a mirror that reflects part of my me or my all , and the reflection is not me delighted that's where I say what I DO NOT LIKE ME?? YOU ARE SHOWING ME?? The immediate reaction would be perhaps the other bla bla bla, GET NO CHARGE !!!!!!! If we took split second to analyze and incorporate that mirror is just a great teacher !!!!!.....
Today I woke up and began to reflect on all the mirrors broke a piedrazo .... Them away from my life when there should be closer and even more, having learned of them but the past is past and today and now I think I've learned not to alienate those mirrors that intersect in the days of my life trying show me the way forward to grow and continue to co-creating.
many times we tend to hear or say because so and so and he said, because Somebody's niece and sultanito haaaaaa I did not know ..... If we turn our eyes to see inside and I have in me?? How much responsibility I have in what happens to me?? Let us charge !!!!!! We are creators of our destiny because we have the great magic wand to choose!! We chose to say, where we go, our friends, our work, stay in that job that fills us etc, at all times have the power to choose and is a great responsibility that we must learn to use. How often is easier not take care of something and unconsciously or consciously shift the "blame" a lack of time, but my son, but my husband, my higher self to guide me, to our poor sometimes exceed the league!! ! My inner child will not let me .... We are passing the ball like a perfect game of handball, and I ?????????? I can not decide has to do without waiting for permission from the recognition of ... With our own desire to leave and recognition achieved, and on !!!!!!!! Whenever you think you deserved what you want to receive or give yourself always waiting no other, and sometimes when things go or not cost us that imagine that our thoughts will always be because we expect something mejorrrrr !!!!! Let's not attack or blame to another simply by the fact that the other is part of me and I am part of the other and I think nobody wants to hurt yourself, you just have to understand that we are all ONE and everything is learning .
Trust and security in myself!, We can achieve all that we propose as long as that energy light that radiate out from the center of our being, heart, stomach, call it what you want, but when you feel, visualize that you can and you're going to do then that's where we really feel and think worthy of beauty SOS gives you this universe!! We reward doing, learning and making us falling from a lift. Cause-Effect.
'm happy !!!!! Thank you all for being part of my masters and be !!!!!
Mariana Foglia, Crescent

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Swelling In Groin Post Heart Cath

WOMEN'S WISDOM Ceremonies fire-Rosario-Date: 12 to 22 March 2011 - Book your place!

Women Medicine- Jerusha Mexico
feminine wisdom in ROSARIO

Women Singing heals ....
Steps for processing.

The ceremonies begin and end 20 hours approx. 00hs or before

March 11: Ceremony Open Fire
March 12 to March 15: Mayan Fire Ceremony and Initiation as Women of Fire.

March 20: Temazcal.
March 21 Fire Ceremony Honoring Our Ancestors / Circle of Snuff, to finish the work and thank

Location: District Hostal Del sol-Rosario-
20 November 8983 (J. Newberry up to 8900) at 5 min of carrefour
ring (which previously was held Nativitas)
Mapita attached photos
Those who do not have a car try to comment in the face where the event is published, as they can coordinate with others maybe you live close and can reach them.
Rosario, Argentina

Detail Cost:
open ceremony on the 11th of March: $ 25
Value Fee Recovery: $ 200
(this value includes all the ceremonies least Temazcal Moon and Initiation women of fire that the value of the fee is U.S. $ 50 each
; Materials Fee: $ 60
Total: $ 360

March 11
Maya Fire Ceremony - Open to the public
An open discussion to share the Maya worldview and the importance of the participation of women as spiritual guides.

recovery ** Value: $ 20
Maya Fire Ceremony and Initiation as Women of Fire.

Development workshop activities:

1. Circle of wisdom through the Snuff and presentation of intentions

2. Medicine Wheel and the four elements and directions: air (mind), fire (spirit), earth (body), water (emotions). The 7 directions of the sky including heart, heart of the earth and the heart of the universe.

  • 3. Heart of the Sky: Deepening our relationship with the sky and all beings who inhabit it: stars, planets, comets, energy.

  • 4. Heart of the Earth: we deepen our relationship with the earth and the center of the earth, we talk about energy and vibration glass beneath the earth.

  • 5. Heart of the universe. Open to the power of love, unconditional love. Find love within us, in each of our cells which are cells of the universe.

  • 6. Spiral: Circle Working with wisdom and fire, prayers, herbs, gifts, work with the shape of the spiral of smoke with incense or copalero, feeling the movement and continuous transformation where there is any possibility of vibration and which opens to the extent of time and space.

  • 7. Sacred Places and dimencionales Doors of Time and Space. We work with these two concepts to understand more about the transformation and how to move and be part of it, and move further understand energy and where is the freedom of each spirit.

  • 8. The rainbow, Maya Fire Ceremony - commitment as a woman of fire, from the Maya worldview , the simple vibration of the fire in the transformation of our lives, simboligia, challenges and hearts are joined in a dance opportunities and shared love.

  • March 20 - Temazcal / Full Moon - Moon Temazcal, Circle of Wisdom ($ 50)
It symbolizes the womb. We can see the greatness hidden in the heart of each. Revives the soul and facilitates a reunion with the universal force of spirit. With the steam of hot stones breathe a breath of life. The use of medicinal plants in the temazcal, helps us all kinds of healing, mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. Since then back to the womb-officio sacred offerings in our hearts and desires of the Soul. We pray for ourselves and our relationships.

  • March 21 - Fire Ceremony Honoring Our Ancestors

- Snuff Circle, to finish the work and thank

Deadline to deliver money and registration: February 15, 2011
Ivana Gómez Mariana Foglia

----- Jerusha Elizabeth (Akatzin Zidika )------
----------- A little about me ...
My name is Jerusha Elizabeth, and the elders of the Toltec tradition have honored me with the name of Akatzin Zidika, which means Venerable Carrizo, the woman guide Virtue .------- --------

I am a woman in the search path of wisdom, I am guided by my higher consciousness, working to contribute to the expansion of that consciousness in every being on earth, I am a priestess of ancient ritual, I've been initiated into the traditions of various native cultures, I honor my ancestors with the rebirth of their voices and memories old path with humility and desire to expand the love and peace between people of the universe.

ceremonies led by Jerusha Medicine Woman / voces.ancestrales

This encounter with the sacred feminine, gives us the opportunity to create our projects and goals for the awakening of our own inner wisdom.

especially in these meetings, we will schedule our seeds to change individual and planetary consciousness in tune with the transformation to 2012 ....

We are all invited to be part of this plant!

We focused on the integration of duality, recognition our own feminine energy. We know our role of women in this time of planetary changes and exercise in order to understand and implement the mechanisms necessary transformation, both personally and planetary family.

perform ceremonies, meditations, songs, gifts, activities for women Awakening being one with the power of the crescent moon, full moon and spring equinox ... defining moments intentions to flourish.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Care Of Slate Coffee Table

THE IRA ... Anger is a product of frustration, and absorb the essence causing damage to ourselves .... strange

Anger is a product of frustration, and absorb the essence causing harm to ourselves and those around us

was once a boy who was always temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him that whenever he gets angry, he had to hammer a nail into the back fence of his house. The first day drove 37 nails into the fence.
In the coming weeks as he learned to control his temper, fewer nails hammered daily. Then he discovered that was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the nearby. Finally came the day the child was not angry about anything. He told his father, who suggested that every day now do not get mad, take out a nail from the fence.
Time passed and the day came that he could tell his father that he had removed all the nails. The father took his son by the hand, led him to the fence and said, "Son, you've done very well, but look at the gaps that remain on the fence. The fence will never be the same. When you say things in anger as they leave scars. You can stick a knife in a man and taking it out, no matter how many times you apologize, the wound remains. A verbal wound is as bad as a physical one. Friends are precious jewels, make us smile and encourage us to success. We listen, share words of praise and we always open the heart. "

" Forgive me if I ever left a hole in your fence. "

Monday, January 3, 2011

Men With Hooked Noses


who did not live
love these ... .