Below is a list of documents related to plans and environmental education programs implemented in Bogotá by the District Department of Environment (formerly DAMA). Can be found in the Documentation Centre of the entity. For more information on schedule and visit the web service http://www.secretariadeambiente.gov.co/sda/libreria/php/decide.php?patron=02.15
- Corporate Author CM0019 : Bogotá. City Hall, Administrative Department of the Environment Title: Design and implementation of a strategy to promote local environmental leaders Antonio Nariño: final document
- CM0092 Corporate Author: Bogotá. City Hall, Administrative Department of the Environment. AGROFORESTRY Agroforestry Ltda.SAFSISTEMAS LTDA. Title: Project design and implementation of environmental education program for the park Entrenubes: teaching aids
- CM0176 Corporate Author: Bogotá. Mayor. Administrative Department of the Environment, Consulting and Advisory Services in Urban and Regional Planning Title: Design of a methodological approach and basic educational materials to implement an environmental education program: protection of water round Fucha River between Avenue of the Americas Boyacá Avenue
- CM0228 Personal Author: Bohorquez, Fernando Author Hamilton Corporate: Bogotá. Mayor. Administrative Department of the Environment Title: Design and implementation of an environmental education program with emphasis on solid waste
- CM0230 Personal Author: Buitrago Paez, Adriana; Bohorquez, Patricia Corporate Author: Bogotá. Mayor Mayor.Departamento Environmental Administrative Technician. Local Ejevutiva Unit - UEL Title: Performing nature walks in the eastern hills of Montserrat, Guadeloupe, La Peña, the Verjon Páramo, Alto de la Cruz, Bear Mountain, Chorrerón, and Padilla jet at site 3 of SantaféCM0241
- Corporate Author: Bogotá. Mayor. Administrative Department of the Environment. Local Executive Unit - UEL; Consortium C & G Title: Educational program for the management of recycling and solid waste in the locality of Puente Aranda in Bogotá DC Final Report
- CM0289 Corporate Author: Bogotá. Mayor. Administrative Department of the Environment, Neighbours and friends of the gorge Delights Meeting, Congress, Etc: Workshop on environmental education fun for the recovery of the stream of Earthly Delights (Bogotá DC: Mar 1 - February 1997)
CM0316 - Corporate Author: Bogotá. Mayor. Administrative Department of the Environment, Mining and Environment Consortium Title: Formulation of mining environmental management plan for mining, quarrying and processing of Ciudad Bolivar: [environmental education program]
- CM0450 Personal Author: Vargas Rubio , Carlos Humberto Corporate Author: Bogotá. Mayor. Administrative Department of the Environment Title: Development and dissemination of an environmental primer for the management of mining and quarrying sector in Bogota: final report
- CM0485 Personal Author: Burgos Pérez, Esperanza Corporate Author: Bogotá. Mayor. Administrative Department of the Environment Meeting, Congress, Etc: environmental awareness workshops aimed at sellers of local Greenmarket Fontibon (Bogotá DC: 20 to 27 February 1997).
- CM0539 Personal Author: Sarmiento, Guillermo Corporate Author: Bogotá. Mayor. Administrative Department of the Environment. Towns Executive Unit Title: Inventory of industrial sector located in zones 3 and 4 of the town of Kennedy and industrial training in techniques of environmental processes appropriate.
- CM0538 Corporate Author: Bogotá. Mayor. Administrative Department of the Environment Title: Design and implementation of activities to promote small and medium enterprises the adoption of comprehensive accountability program
- CM0542 Corporate Author: Bogotá. Mayor. Administrative Department of the Environment. Towns Executive Unit, Environmental Usaquén Consortium Title: Design and implementation of awareness campaigns, outreach and environmental education about environmental issues Soratama quarry - City of Usaquén: final report
- CM0620 Corporate Author: Bogotá. Mayor. Administrative Department of the Environment. Executive Unit Locations, UT and Elizabeth Peña Angelica Gutierrez Title: Implementation of a training program for waste pickers and their families in the town 18 Rafael Uribe Uribe, DC
- CG0153 Corporate Author: Colombia. Ministry of Environment, Institute for the Promotion of Higher Education - ICFES Meeting, Congress, Etc: Course planning for environmental education projects (Bogotá DC: 9 to 13 September 1996) Title: Planning for environmental education projects, training project for environmental professionals
- CG0703 Personal Author: Rico Vercher, Manuel Corporate Author: Colombia. Ministry of Transport and Public Works Title: The learning of values \u200b\u200bin environmental education Physical Description: 68P. p. : Illus. Published: Madrid: Centro de Publicaciones, 1992
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