This Legend has it that India was a beautiful princess named Elcha (Aboriginal language means mirror), known to his tribe for their beauty.
That tribe was facing another by which the witch had sympathy. Elcha had grown up with a partner who was not of the nobility, but as time went on, grew a strong love between them. Noting this, the witch of the tribe persuaded the father to stop the confrontational attitude between the tribes through marriage of the princes.
Elcha The princess was informed last night. Desperate communicated it to his beloved and escaped quickly to the north. Minutes later, aware of the flight, both tribes set off in pursuit bruja.En command of the moment, young people understood that they had lost the way and continued until he stopped a sharp cutting surface terminating in the lagoon. They looked back and flashes of lightning lit up his pursuers, who were very close. Elcha and the young man thought about it and decided to jump into the water.
The first to arrive and looked out of the lagoon was the witch, the moment he did, a powerful beam was unloaded on her, leaving her petrified. The rest of the pursuers also came and saw fear reflected on the surface, which Elcha mirror image.
From then until today, both as the petrified witch Elcha image can be distinguished and that is why the locals named so this gap. There is another version of this legend. These two tribes whose chiefs were enemies. The daughter of one of the leaders fell in love with an Indian of another tribe, so that the two were separated. Seeing his frustrated love, India wept inconsolably in the lagoon turned into stone.
also tells another story about mermaids. They say that the approach to the lake could hear the singing of blonde women who were delighted. They were half woman, half fish. These sirens, to hear the slightest sound of people thrown into the water and disappeared. But one of these creatures, very beautiful and proud, God punished turning to stone at the edge of the lagoon.
This lake is located in the Department of Malargue, Province of Mendoza. The water is very sweet and clear. A splendid place.
Posted by Fabiana Pellizza.
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