Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Saturday Dentist Austin Texas

156. ‘Legalidad democrática’ pone en jaque a seguridad ‘dizque democrática’

SO THE VEO YO - Year 6

Fajardo Mockus and have no 'tail of straw' and this makes a big difference

By Juan Rubbini

http:// www.lapazencolombia.blogspot.com/

"There is no greater honor than that of himself, of his affections" Baltasar Gracian
, Oracle

Acierta manual on 'good law' Antanas Mockus, and it is one of the keys to his success, when out of the cards for the trump card of 'democratic legitimacy'. Theirs is dialectical of good-and that is not easy-to propose not abandoning the "democratic security" but absorption and re-legitimization in a senior thesis that wrap and protect their own excesses and deviations. They are right

also when they demobilized paramilitaries Justice and Peace, and their submissions to the Supreme Court of Justice, truth and reparation scenarios, spaces of reintegration into society through respect for the law and rules and procedures. These same rules and procedures for governments, officials and soldiers, by not a few whole boxes of today given called 'bad apples', raped mercilessly when bare, indoctrination, recruitment and arming paramilitary successive generations of paramilitaries, whom not even the gates of funding narco they were closed. Guerrillas and paramilitaries

-ideologies-are also separate, especially from the second half of the 80-products and by the same state of things that allowed the drug trade did much of the territory, awareness and the country's economy. Also clear policy "and why not? if that that the end justifies the means was run and how, with what intensity and reproducibility.

If Mockus and Fajardo are climbing a hill unthinkable in the second place is first and foremost because millions of minds are holding their quixotic. Not a product of the media, or advertising, much less the political class. But are its consequence, in the sense that ad nauseam by polarization-antiuribista Uribe created the need, between physical and spiritual, to open wide the windows and let in fresh air and renewed, and air nature green, which not coincidentally is her color and hope. Uribe's self-congratulatory propaganda, of messianism, the "what would they do without me? repeated as endless litany has finally become a boomerang, to awaken millions of minds ready to respond: with or without Uribe Uribe, with or without Uribe Uribe in the government, Colombia goes ahead after the country that we love deserve. No more missing that touch us to worship a god Uribe Uribe and practice a religion.

Forty days after the first round Naomi and the Conservatives are the true balance. They are the only weights but the weights are more weighed to the pendulum is Uribe side or pass side of the 'green'. It could also happen that Naomi tried it today and it seems impossible to reach the second round and then beat Santos to the votes of the greens, reds and yellows. But this should be more bold and 'independent' differentiation of Uribe, who will appear as more than overcome emulate or continue. There is much hope that Naomi conservative turn of 'Uribe does not want' to 'independence' of the once, 1998, was a precursor and promise, and if this is not enough to overcome Mockus and company, at least if you reach to join the wave of renewal that will vote against all walked past and democratic legality. Naomi hard dilemma but if it solves positively the Presidency can be yours, for two simple reasons: because it has the sense of 'without Uribe Uribe "that many Uribe pleased, and also the sense of' independent candidate 'to many conservatives, liberals and ordinary people do not dislike. In any case, I see more intellectually and emotionally close to Naomi of four former mayors of Santos. Vargas and see more about Juan Manuel Pardo and Petro and eager to vote, without saying a peep-a Mockus and Fajardo in the second round.

However, the upcoming presidential elections have nothing to do in relation to the dispute between right and left. Right and left have shown in recent years that appeal to arms without pruritus ethical, and thus is not available or not the war that the dispute. Needless to say, patronage in politics are the Liberals and Conservatives but also the Pole. Patronage is not nor to distinguish between left and right. Neither private property is at issue, much less human rights and freedoms. So things the 'democratic legitimacy' that flag should be obvious-so obvious as in 2002 the 'safety-democrática' becomes ace in the hole that Mockus and Fajardo have been able to capitalize on their behalf. And not coincidentally, are the only ones for lack of 'tail of straw' can bring out the fear that someone without cause terror by simply displaying a lighted match.

If the 'democratic legitimacy', respect for the rules of the game acquired in 2010 such a political value to the citizens that everything else becomes secondary will be good for the armed conflict seriously think if you have not time to join the wave before the green tsunami has completed its historic mission: I mean that both the State and illegal, the guerrillas and the paramilitaries, drug traffickers and their associated networks, will have to negotiate seriously civilized the closure of its operations 'criminal lawlessness, economic or political' that vast and intricate ramifications has covered the territory and soul of Colombians in the last sixty years, that an approximate date and eloquent, since the assassination of Jorge Eliecer Gaitan. Although it sounds paradoxical

these illegalities are endemic which also include emerging emerging-that have very little, who should appear more interested in waiting with hope and a triumph of Mockus Fajardo, as good scientists who will have plenty of approaches to help passage of illegality to legality. Because it is not to exterminate people but to convert. This is not only ethical and humane, but to evangelical religion. "There is more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over a thousand just to do the will of God." Is that justice must be fair, not too little nor too much, just Fair. Who requires the maximum punishment, or the maximum penalty is not being fair, but revenge, retaliation, more concerned with retaliation claim that the law of God, or transitional restorative justice is appropriate that we apply here and now , and invited everyone without exception must be willing to repentance and forgiveness.

you ever heard Sergio Fajardo said that being creative is not inventing something new every day, but being creative is something deeper and more simple: "to see what everyone sees and ask the question that nobody has done. " I'm sure if they reach the Government, both as Fajardo Mockus, not only are able to to view the tragedy of the Colombian armed conflict which all presidential candidates are seeing but also ask the questions that none of the others have managed to make.

And then yes, the 'democratic rule', not sectarian and Jacobean revenge or self-righteousness hypocritical and fallacious, come the right answer.

So I see myself.

The 156 articles included in the published series, begun in 2005 - ASI YO LA VEO available to the reader in www.lapazencolombia.blogspot.comHYPERLINK "http://www.lapazencolombia.blogspot.com"

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

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155. No hago proselitismo pero tampoco oculto mis preferencias

SO THE VEO YO - Year 6

My candidates are Mockus and Fajardo but my vote is for Peace and Reconciliation

By Juan Rubbini


passing day it costs less than you think Uribe and more interest in what he's up to Santos. Yet we hear of 'democratic security' but less attention today than yesterday, as if the liturgy were replaced devotion, and trying to hide the habit dissatisfaction. Today it's up to Santos, as happened with Serpa in 2002 - discover embarrassed when all believed to have been learned responses, we began to change all the questions. Juan Manuel difficulties will be increased during the campaign because after sleep 'Uribe, "Colombia is waking up and misses, and entredormida still groping, awareness needed if the dream continues or awakening is irreversible. Naomi in that he has taken advantage Santos but now doubt whether Uribe waving flags of the past, or retrace your steps alone or perhaps rather believe the story that is the candidate of conservatives. Conservatives turn on whether Santos cavil or Naomi, or rather Mockus and Fajardo, without this will sound like heresy or blasphemy. We do not tell lies: and not missing many conservatives who vote blindly for the blue party are not just tired of conservatives who continue to worship the god or attend Uribe's tantrums Pastrana bet independents led by Mockus.

Vargas Lleras-perhaps the best candidate of all, still can not get on any train, including the train because he tempts him up, "the Liberal red today not lead anywhere, and that he should try to get on-the-Santos not seduce, not because they do not invite him but because it fails to understand if the driver is Santos or Uribe. Because if Santos really takes away the burden of Uribe and decides to be himself, Vargas Lleras could become its partner in the victory, not on the left irrelevant these days, but on power widowers Uribe, the so lambonería Lambone that made him sterile and right-wing lost its way to President Uribe.

Mockus-Fajardo's candidacy continues uphill to attract support of opinion, not a few votes had gone to the Pole this time to go independent. Learned, commies, centrists, independents and right-wing liberals and conservatives come together in the application that many-including me personally, would like to see win in May. I say this clearly, as for my vote, because if in 1998 I chose to Pastrana on Serpa Uribe in 2002 on Serpa, and in 2006 to Mockus on Uribe, today, in 2010, after four more years of Uribe, vote more thinking of my children, in Colombia we need to see appear in the vote that the vote helpful or punishment. However, my column will not attempt to persuade, much less proselytizing, mine is the analysis, reflection, I know my limits and my free elections without ties to a personal, true and loving fear of God.

So, if you want to succeed, even in the first round, Santos should concentrate their efforts on adding a Vargas Lleras, while attracting the basis not only liberals who voted for Uribe, but also the center of liberal and even leftist liberals. And do this even at the risk that the right to marry Naomi, but this really is an opportunity rather than a risk. Finally, if the U.S. should not become the bastion bastion of right Uribe, less should be on the extreme right, which is mandated to collect and should not be the acolyte Santos who let alone become his spokesman. Rather than expecting the former leader Uribe winks, is Santos, the new leader, who must do as such Uribe winks, liberals and conservatives, and for this nothing better than getting a Radical Change to your campaign, but not limited to Radical Change . Mal

despite them refusing to build Peace of Colombia, the positive signs continue to multiply and you are defining a trend increasingly visible. Cardinal Castrillon, while parallel-forward convergence makes periodic public calls to trust him in the FARC who are willing to give the peels for a negotiated political solution. Piedad Cordoba continues, inside and outside Colombia, adding intentions to open a humanitarian way of a peace process. The bishops of the Catholic Church mobilized daily in Colombia the spirits of all those who are willing from politics and civil society to pull you to the end of armed conflict through dialogue and consultation, calling and find each other in a healthy dialectic. Nor save the bishops and priests efforts to build bridges with the emerging bands and rearmed paramilitary cease not to believe it is possible to end the violence in Colombia without a win and others lose apocalyptic wars of extermination. There are also associations like the valuable efforts of the Commission of Notables of Medellin who insist, putting the chest to the misunderstandings and the poison darts of those within the government or do not leave do-interband boost urban truces that the 'democratic security' could not break through the bad or known to be persuaded by the good. Also, the AUC demobilized from Colombia and the United States follow through on their commitments for Justice and Peace, and repeatedly requested national and international support for the courts to receive all the support required by the Colombian government and the international community in order that the courts and Peace can advance in a timely manner all the formalities and procedures that honor the Truth of the armed conflict and Reparation for Victims.

If its true value in quality and goodwill of all the presidential candidates without exception and without bias observed the efforts made in Colombia to promote peace and reconciliation policies can not but be optimistic about that after the hard battles and counter-revolutionary, who led guerrillas, paramilitaries and the state itself, in the last sixty years of history, the government-whatever-it assumes the presidency on August 7 and the Congress to take possession in those days, you along with the honorable, courageous and independent Court of Colombia, the fertile ground and civil society and warm willing to undertake the mission yet to make peace and strengthen reconciliation that has been making its way through thick- and thin, with advances and setbacks, but never lose heart or give up-from Caguan and Santa Fe Ralito, two milestones in this long march of war towards peace, and missed two huge sacrifices, not worth what they achieved at the time, but it illuminates the true path to follow, which should not be to lie but the truth, not to be be that of impunity but of Justice, which should not be that of oblivion or indifference to the victims, all of them-but the collective memory and the Repair of all victims without exception, not only materially but also spiritually and symbolically.

So I see myself.

The 155 articles included in the published series, begun in 2005 - ASI YO LA VEO available to the reader www.lapazencolombia.blogspot.com