Wednesday, October 13, 2010

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172. Holy Face the miracle

SO THE VEO YO - Year 6

legal and illegal actors and a chat 'one on one'

By Juan Rubbini
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The Government should take the initiative in matters of peace. Stop making concessions 'warmongers' who 'live' in the conflict. Taking the initiative means putting on the table a bold invitation to the guerrillas to make it impossible to say no. Bold, at this point in the history of armed conflict, means "put a stop to this and make it so that Colombia is truly a country where everyone fits." A few wise words.

The conflict will not end, not even going to let up, necessarily, just because guerrillas and government sit down to talk. Peace is a process, a journey. Provocations and sabotage are expected of both parties and should not make a dent. It is instituting a "face to face ', not talk-we talk to older folks," but first and foremost to talk, of 'one on one. " Each side with their arguments, each with what is, with its wealth of history, present and future

The guerrillas considered legitimate struggle and meet their demands. There is no shortage organizations and foreign governments that are sympathetic to, or explain its existence. The Government knows vested constitutional legality and legitimacy in this context is not discussed. Not disputed by the international community. The guerrillas are not the only 'illegal' of conflict, there are 'paramilitaries' that way 'BACRIM' drink from the same waters as FARC and ELN narco its connection and its influence on illicit crops and the narco-economy. Needless to say, the state tree and still have hung dangling a few rotten apples that neither look nor helpless.

No, in good faith, may withhold or fail to recognize that the most important-generation self-defense Castaño negotiated peace with truth, justice and reparation, and there is answerable to the justice of here and that of United States. This may not have been the result of the agreements, but rather of Santa Fe Ralito disagreements, but the truth is that they were demobilized, surrendered their weapons and refused to join the 'new paramilitaries' that even today' black work "laid the foundations for the new wave of armed conflict. New wave with which today we dance, that the Uribe government left wild flower reinsurance "maybe? for what was to happen, his government passed between guerrillas and state. Or even between Chávez, FARC and Colombia. Today we are dealing

-citizens, with a state of affairs that only a madman could see with eyes triumphant. How to raise even as a hypothesis the possibility of feeling triumphant? What we are talking about winning? Who really won Uribe on 'descomplejizar' the conflict? It is not, it must be said that the guerrillas can claim victory in the situation in which are-that either-or that the new leaders 'paramilitaries' are bound to pass without afugias, nor that the drug dealers feel safe somewhere. But none of them-I mean 'illegal estates' of conflict-joint feel like they are living the' end of the end. " Be captured or die, part of the job, results that every revolutionary or counterrevolutionary, drug or criminal, is assumed, and for one reason or another decides to take personal risk. The truth is that the incentives to commit crimes, political crimes or not, there are still large-scale in Colombia Uribe left us. And this is troubling and that the Government should resolve Santos. Not bad, it is impossible, yet undesirable, but the good ones, because not only is possible, though difficult, but desirable and advisable in terms of minimizing future victims and the generation of new offenders.

Somehow, there is a "strategic stalemate," a stand-off where the Government can show results favorable to their cause, but the 'illegal' also harvest an occasional triumph, mixed with losses, but they are losses that hurt though and moves do not affect the core of the conflict or jeopardize their precarious balance, but balance at the end.

So, Colombia can not suck-as long as the armed conflict with no leadership in the area, as suggested by Santos-Holguín statements. Nor revolutionize and expand its urban and rural economy so powerful currents flowing circuits investors and international trade-return-to improve productivity, employment and national income Colombians.

not just the government, the guerrillas must also assume that this tie unsatisfactory for the purposes of one or the other, even those two are the only partners of the dialogues that take to build the country where we all fit. The conflict mutates to the decades that have passed and are not alone, state and guerrillas on the stage of war and peace. State and guerrillas must assume that there are forms of illegality that were born from the depths and banks of the old confrontation and have grown not only economically and politically, but their ability to do damage is significant and will grow if not solved the problems explained the existence of such illegality inserted into the country. Colombia

not emerge as a regional power but of social standing and legal convergence of at least four elements that today remain illegally dislocated or systematic: the state, guerrillas, paramilitaries and narco. " These are the pieces of the puzzle on which the Government Santos faces the challenge of articulating a "reengineering" civil, harmonious and within the law. This is the 'model kit' and for which there is no other way but dialogue and agreements, with appropriate mediation, security and complacency of the international community.

Pope Ratzinger, the Pope's theologian, said today in Rome that "Man is in danger because they live as if God did not exist."

Believers or not we can paraphrase this sentence from the Pope and say out loud for the world also heard that "Colombia is in danger because there are killed and die as if a negotiated political solution not exist. "

So I see myself.

The 172 articles included in the published series, launched in March 2005 - ASI YO LA VEO available to the reader in Justice will

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

High School Graduation Centerpiece

171. 'We're fine "but" we bad "

Uribe and his government over the last
By Juan Rubbini

be or not to be put on the balance ... the price of peace and war costs. This is the question. The question is not intoxicate triumphalism or learn to hide it, the question is to honor and celebrate life death. The enemy is not in front, is on the inside of each and have to take it. Or will we make peace with ourselves and be with others, or we declare war against us and we will hunt the enemy to kill and die for pure selfish and indifferent to our lives and those of others ...

Justice will have on Uribe and his government the last word. Also have demobilized and extradited on Justice and Peace, including Justice will have the last word on the next steps in peace. For this urge to give the Justice of everything that allows you to honor its role with all the means and attributes that place it at the height of the immense challenges that history has reserved. The most significant policy decision that has Saints in their hands is to strengthen the law, give place and accept their verdict.

live in a time of epochal storms, the "winter" extends and deepens not only the climate but that crosses the country and shake your spirits and welcome unusual paradigms, which would materialize announcing the desired spring: the earth those who need and deserve compensation for those who have been victimized, royalties without feudalism or 'bolt' security to citizens in the cities and fields. If all this is, speaking on Colombian-the 'new name for peace' What would it mean? And what could represent a sustainable future unless accompanied all this show of legislative initiatives on the presidential impuiso peace building, where one by one, all the factors that generate violence today to receive special treatment, the space for dialogue and agreements, and know what to expect in return for renunciation of war and lawlessness?

'warriors' they exist everywhere, between the illegal and also in the state. Pacifists also are everywhere, as unbelieving skeptical and hopeful. There is everything in the vineyard of the Lord. And the Lord's vineyard are not unrelated and are called alike, and paramilitary guerrillas, paramilitaries and bandits, drug traffickers and members of government forces. Santos has the right and the constitutional obligation to give peace a chance. Would not be missed. Santos

The Government has sought to cast off the 'furi-Uribe' but has not been spared to sail furibistas few others on board and trailer. The navigation of the 'Most Holy' in these conditions will not be easy and the threat of 'mutiny Uribe' will be dormant for a time that promises to be as long as the patience of some, and others hold.

Nothing assures us that Colombia is walking from bad to less bad but at the time of the 'mass media' policy announcements, so catchy and infectious-like precedence over the actual facts, and projects abound as substitutes for the concretions, or rather, confusing fantasy with the achievements, laws with enforcement.

The 'national unity' in political terms, usually becomes against some, but for everyone. The 'furi-Uribe' feel 'national unity' goes against the interests of 'Uribe', the 'Santistas' instead prefer to sugarcoat the feelings 'Uribe' rhetorical flattery and appeals to the Liberator that at least between 2002 and 2010 has been highlighted Santos Uribe. Clear that the FARC are there to remind us that we are not freed FARC Uribe, nor of emerging bands or drug, or insecurity. The Liberators are not what they were, nor Uribe may be even riding back and stir a Constituent and looks more to be announced Destituyente, destituyente Santos, of course. And it is the latter that 'Santistas' not allowed but must tolerate it, at least until the presidency of Santos has reached the open sea and the conditions conducive to throw overboard the Liberator himself if he persists in calling Uribe as the Casa de Nari propria.

If Uribe is not what it was and still is not Santos aspires to be, nor the opposition-Uribe is the one that was not loose track of where to go. So things Colombia sails on a sea of \u200b\u200buncertainty and yet still convinced that his course has a north until it is clear that the FARC are aspiring to have another opportunity, like the paramilitaries rearmed recover the air and inspiration that raise the political status, the same as that aspired Brown and the previous generation of self-defense when Uribe crossed his path and politically uncomfortable for the 'anesthetized' first, 'crucified' after midnight and between roosters and extradited them to the Truth gringo land untraceable.

I ask God ...! the triumphalism of the Rivera leave room for the wisdom of the Angels, and the radical renewal of the Vargas neutralize the attacks back and restore the dogma 'Uribe', while the peripheral view of the strategic Juan Manuel rediscovers resolve the issue of conflict and funding for the land to recover its social function, the powers of democratic balance and dignity of victims.

will not easy to communicate with FARC extradited or returned to, but worth the attempt to use the key that Manichean temptation the door closed, and worth more to unleash the 'politicization' of the paramilitaries and guerrillas and their exclusion selfish manifestly unjust, if their weapons, or are willing to do it, but not the human condition, with civil and political rights.

The world finally understood the price of peace ... but every day that passes will be less willing to tolerate the costs of war.

So I see myself.

The 171 articles in the series published -Launched in March 2005 - ASI YO LA VEO available to the reader in