Monday, March 28, 2011

Follando A Los 13 Anitos

Oswaldo Terreros - Latin American Biennial of Design (Madrid)

Figure Revolutionary Movement supporters Bourgeois presented in this Great Meeting Cap. III a selection of political persuasion proposals designed to "spread the Latin American resistance" on English soil-like if such a thing was possible in these times! Assuming this attempt from fiction and irony, this gesture the company parody partisan and demagogic politics that has recurred throughout the twentieth century, since the Bolshevik Revolution and Nazism to the neoliberal project and XXI century socialism.

To build an action scene from the art, Oswaldo Terreros [1] , who chairs this entity apocryphal, has appropriated the visual frequent verbal and political movements "revolutionary" art art and design of "ideological propaganda, the strategies of street art and communication guerrilla, to create a mock political movement. Constituted a discursive platform for reflections on the strategies of persuasion and other common devices carried out in any political campaigns and / or permanent, provincial or trans, left, right or other coordinates of alignment.

The movement was born "formally" in the city of Guayaquil (Ecuador) in 2009, but it could have been generated from any other point-and Latin American geography even global, "because the discourse that moves is promiscuous and is composed of fragments of ideologies derived from national liberation movements, revolutionary struggles, trade unionism, the clandestine groups and other fronts of resistance, whose speeches have been to principal axis modern idea of \u200b\u200bemancipation-an idea that has strong connotations of class. To exalt form exacerbated these ideologies, the movement produces the opposite effect: to look back to the rigorous eye mask and political paraphernalia.
The figure of emancipating one person willing to "liberate the masses of the oppression and injustice, "is particularly relevant in the figure of the artist, who would be benefited from the work of potential supporters. Through this agent, the movement advocated acts and gestures of political persuasion that are misleading, as the meeting we attended, "and which suggest an attempt to provoke, they bowed the pupil of a viewer too accustomed to the daily consumption of advertising and propaganda. In this way, it is important to underscore the partisan political action as a scheme for their own benefit, of a class or group. In this connection, the figure of Morbomán, a character who embodies the profile of "political" scoundrel suspicious and malicious, "that he knows them all, and appears as a champion of justice to the poor.

Front social, political and cultural, which gives the power struggle in Latin America, the movement reacts like a pressing device criticality the flimsy string of "national identity" and "American identity" and the processes of collective subjectivity influenced by the ruling class. Therefore appear as unavoidable concerning the revolutionary slogans, supporters willing to get the forms of indigenous textile production, the representation of bodies heroificados of the "subdued." But there are also visual elements of a contemporary culture that is global, as the West European standards of beauty in a fashion magazine and advertising design nod to the formal aesthetic resources.

As noted, the proposals that form this exhibition highlight notions of identity, resistance and activism, but not only on the critical question of ideology pamphlet, but also in building a space for the discerning , reflection and critical assessment. The strategy for this priority lies in fictional form, a simulacrum, a where what happens does not have to be taken as true or false, but as a gap, a gap. A meeting in which it is possible to imagine the various destinations that project the cultural processes from Latin America.
In the Great Encounter Ch. III takes advantage of the opportunity to travel to the European context "to seek new opportunities" for expansion and demagogic demagogic. No speech from the evidence on the issue of mobilization and human movement, has tried to reflect on the ideological confrontation cultural key: how a pseudo-Latin American political movement transcends regional boundaries to set up some resistance early contraprotducentes outdated and in a context which invalidates this kind of nationalist claims.

In the same way it has operated in previous meetings, this event has as main objective the capitalization of movement through the marketing of political paraphernalia and other fetishes pamphleteers, developed by the standards of the GRSB. Fact that points to reflect on the contradiction underlying emancipatory processes that are holding in certain regions.

What does the movement GRSB on European soil?

Mr Spectator, you can speculate from the winks and challenges driven in each proposal, many of which were commissioned to indigenous workers or XXX. Producers whose labor is valuable for movement in a favorable exercise of mercantile exchange to continue the revolutionary ideology of pseudo pamphlet. Any sign of dissent or a feeling of "joke" may be viewed alongside the history of partisan politics in Latin America.

Ana Rosa Valdez
official curator of the Movement GRSB
Santiago de Guayaquil, November 5, 2010

[1] addition to its practice as an artist, Oswaldo Herrera Terreros works as art director for the only magazine advertising and marketing in this country, Markko Registered. His activities in the field of graphic design were included in two compilations of Latin American Design: Latin American Design from Taschen, and Latin American Graphic Design, publisher Plot. Participated in the "Bienal Iberoamericana of Design" in Madrid (2008 and 2010). His designs appeared in APD (Asian Pacific Design) San Du Publishing in 2009.

Lana polychrome
Otavalo tissue
185 x 400 cm.
file Otto Bettmann images extracted a photograph that records an indigenous protest held in Ecuador in 1968, in which a group of protesters carrying a letter to each, together form the word "revolution." Unfolds as a gesture of urban resistance rhetoric associated with unconformity union is expressed paradoxically this photograph is not in any files Ecuador. Taking as a starting point this event, the movement commissioned production of this tissue to continue the revolutionary ideals involved in the historical fact. The gesture involves a basic contradiction: the labor that produces textiles (translated in Marxist language: the exploited) is both that which is to emancipate.
But not really cynical use of the "exploited" for their own emancipation? This contradiction is a critique of the strategies woven from partisan political power: the law of self-interest above all things. The proposal also enhances the function takes on a billboard advertising and visual appeal to persuade the masses, and is discursive strategy in the constructivist art and design forms an array of re-configurable according to the revolutionary ideals referrals.

Lana polychrome
Otavaleno tissue
185 x 300 cm.

Illustration of a hiker sign S / F
What do people want? In a publicity stunt or a political campaign, this question assumes a decisive factor in defining the structure, design and media plan for advertising or product advertising, but mostly the sense of what is intended to convey. The proposals Untitled GRSB movement has its own version of the case, proposing billboards to persuade and win more supporters. One of the strategies that define the modus operandi of the movement is the appropriation of visual references, whose relationship to the collective imagination is mediated by an individual or collective political action. In this case, the image that is established relationship is a hiker poster, which was spreading a message of resistance. Fractional representation to emphasize the action of two characters, has created these two small fences propaganda, which tells a "writ of urban resistance" graffiti call (1) the name of the movement GRSB and (2) an ironic sarcasm aimed at "what like" the mass. Important to note that "The people want shit" is the name of the font.

leaves BG Magazine (Beauty and Glamour)
implanted with screen, two colors.
Continuing modern budgets on cultural identity and the concept of nation-state, the move created a manifesto, to propagate a proper political discourse as it recycles old modern doctrines, which proliferated in the developed cultural resistance movements from Latin America during the twentieth century, from the field of philosophy, politics and art to armed struggle and clandestine.
massively To play this manifesto has been printed in silkscreen on pages of a fashion magazine Ecuadorian (belonging to one of the most influential financial groups in the country). Interestingly, this procedure emphasized the falsehood because in practice defines the modern discourses of emancipation. The contradiction lies in the West European standard of beauty promoted by the publication in the cultural context of Ecuador.

polychrome wool, woven
200 x 200 cm.
A throw in revolutionary discourses in the form of slogan, which have become rhetorical low intensity in the wear suffered throughout the history of effective slogans. The idea of \u200b\u200bresistance is faced with the luxury and pleasure in an object-commodity for recreation and leisure, relaxation for all supporters of the movement. As with other proposals, this "friendly" power backpack design function and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe order: their manufacture was commissioned to Otavalo Indian artisan.

100 x 100 cm.
In the Great Encounter Ch. I and II, one of the strategies of participation and interaction with the audience was the presentation of T-shirts bore designs of the movement, many of which appeared the figure of Morbomán. This as a way of spreading mass popular to the general public.
As shown, the advertising platform of fashion is not surprising the movement's propaganda effort, so through a nod to Martin Kippenberger's work comes this exciting accessory to be used in marches, protests, acts of resistance. Again, the textile support is necessary to deploy around the design directions in relation to the spread caustic ideology.
This proposal allows strategies to further focus on "what they wear" bourgeois supporters: a tissue communist sexy fashion seen in another form of political activism.

propaganda strategy that uses the audiovisual medium to spread the ideals of the GRSB. The video presents a historical overview of the development of the movement in the city of Guayaquil (Ecuador), previous meetings and details of their ideology subsidiary. As in any pamphlet (verbal, visual, audio ...) is emphasized in cognitive function of the message to persuade "who look and listen." A main reference for the script and the production of this video are the National Links transmitted by the Government of Ecuador for their constituents. It is noteworthy that the background music belongs to the group Argentina Los Fabulosos Cadillacs, "The Open Veins of Latin America", a subject that makes direct reference to the recognized test Eduardo Galeano - cornerstone of communist ideology in the continent, whose ideas are held in a critique of the processes of colonization and exploitation that have affected the development of Latin American peoples.


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