154. Mientras Uribe le reza a los Santos ¿los milagros los hace Noemí?
SO THE VEO YO - Year 6
bellicose gesture
From the President to the diaphanous smile candidate John Rubbini
juanrubbini@hotmail.com http://www.lapazencolombia.blogspot.com/ After the successive fall of the pair-Arias Uribe is not the future be entrusted to former President but all the Saints and the world-including the U.S. "I have sorry for the mistakes made in matters of war and peace, not least among them the disastrous way that disrupted the peace process that the self-defense Castano and Mancuso of the tray and served it today is dead or extradited, prevented the extradition, not their will but unusually for former President candidate, met in a timely manner to the Justice and Peace, ie the Repair truth and we deserve and we demand from all armed actors, all Colombians, and before anyone victims.
If the civilian and democratic left, particularly between 2002 and 2006, had assessed the peace process in Santa Fe Ralito and actors, with a tris of objectivity, so less subjective, biased and prejudiced, having served more than the cry peace of the affected communities that the vengeful wrath, having worked more democratic inclusion of demobilized by sectarian stigma today that would have left itself more and better guarantees for action in areas of the country that would have been wide open to expansion and affirmation of democratic practices, instead of being 'present' or 'negotiated' by the government - who else was in position to do so? - for emerging bands and rearmed paramilitaries. Those who today lament the outcome of congressional elections would have had probably more reason to rejoice if the peace process with the paramilitaries came to fruition in time being shipwrecked and sank in choppy waters and contaminated hate furiuribistas antiuribistas and undertook to encourage their self-righteous hypocritical preaching as if the violence in Colombia has not been turned on and spread for crimes against humanity and war crimes guerrilla , State and paramilitary forces, when Mancuso and Castano were just infants or running after a ball or they wrote letters to his former girlfriends, calling away from any offensive or defensive war. For those unaware, to name just a few examples of these paramilitaries who demobilized, it is well known to be born in 1965, Carlos Castano and Salvatore Mancuso in 1964, the same years they were created the FARC and ELN. And were these self-defense that he bet on peace and reconciliation, and it is these self-defense and deserved punishment for war crimes committed subversive alternative sentences also deserve the Act provided for the demobilization and commitment to the Truth and Repair. Winner
Naomi and rising independents and centrists, or little more than a few influential and the powerful re-election Uribe left when it ignores the temptation armed and claimed its libertarian and egalitarian roots, will not easily or Santos Pardo or they will suffer in firsthand the renewal and new life that travel the American continent from the U.S. Obama to South America vocationally fair, free and democratic struggle for freedom from vulgar populist temptation and before the temptation shook fachistoide dictatorial. Colombia also wants change, change, which means leaving the servile obsequiousness that remains subject to Washington-and that just serves the United States, and join the Latin America and the Caribbean than two centuries of the first Independence craves define the terms of the Second and final.
A few days Following the outcome of the consultation conservative'm not saying, this 24th day of March, which bested Naomi Santos on expectations of success, although not denying that it is what and who do so in the coming weeks if you try, or that Brown is out of the race, nor that Saints have already secured win in the first and / or second round, though remains the favorite candidate, "not much less than the 'Uribe' and 'uribitos' are on the verge of being deposited in the' quarter-san away." Politics is not wishful thinking but to walk the path that leads to the desired location.
The card-which distinguishes Santos, who has in his hand is the legacy of the "mark Uribe"-a franchise mode, which obviously translates into millions Feedback. But how many votes are they? Who ensures that citizens had voted for Uribe will do for Saints? Or Naomi, and Pardo and Mockus, Fajardo and lack of support and prestige in the eyes of those who had voted for Uribe and that today could slide into any of them. In addition, it is good to admit it, Uribe was wearing in eight years and ended with a theme are unpleasant or for how long? of those who once adored him.
Naomi, however, slip can benefit many votes because they can not vote for Uribe will do it for her, mostly conservative but not a few independent or even as few as could voters think that in another situation different from those days would have voted for the candidate of the Polo. If Naomi goes to the second round with Santos-today most likely will have secured not only most of the votes Uribe but also almost all antiuribistas, independent and left, which will reach-and far-for be the next President of Colombia.
So, Juan Manuel is faced with two major difficulties, and whether the President will be giving away not only in Colombia but it deserved to be finally overcome obstacles every day that passes they get bigger. The first major difficulty is to win in first round to it which requires in addition to the U, the votes of voters Arias, Vargas ... and PIN. You may be the flute sound ... but it will be difficult unless large blows to the FARC, or serious acts of terrorism attributed to the FARC, "he produced a tail wind that catapulted him to success.
If Santos wins first round in the second one will be more difficult, and if opposite Naomi has the mission will be almost a 'mission impossible', because the winds will take them head on, and right and left also , which not even the FARC-factor of great help if enabled in the first round, could save in the second.
It appears that the FARC are now the same path "peaceful" who walked the AUC in 2002, in May 2006 had not been betrayed by the word of the Uribe government breached the peace table and the process was still in suspense, stumbled, but alive. In 2002-good news is that recall-related silencing the fire of the AUC provided the triumph of Serpa Uribe and Naomi who in those days was accused of colluding with the paramilitaries, if not directly be their candidate. Now is the FARC who Having been toned down its belligerence and avoided as far as their senior executives willing and able to terrorist acts, privilege output from the Secretariat humanitarian and political conflict. FARC-know more than old-devils, who after Uribe to be whatever the President to get you better add arguments for a political solution minds and votes and mandates for more years of war.
the ancient Romans would say the need for urgent in Colombia, and throughout the world, Afghanistan is not excluded, and today Americans favoring talks with the Taliban, the mors tua vita mea (death yours my life) to the pacta sunt servanda ( covenants must be met) and is in the Caguan Ralito or Capernaum.
Amen. Thus
I see.
The 154 articles included in the published series, begun in 2005 - ASI YO LA VEO available to the reader in www.lapazencolombia.blogspot.com