SO THE VEO YO - Year 6
Before Uribe dropped the option, now it seems it drops the option Arias
By Juan Rubbini
If the Constitutional Court ruling fell on Uribe's third term, with each vote is more predictable conservative dropper defeat Arias-the 'Medvedev' in pectore of 'Putin' Creole-against Naomi. Just as things have gone a month to this part Uribe is going to ass pal 'pond and Teflon that no shortcut. As will be bad the quake Uribe that the FARC-even joyful-peaceful rise as white doves fly away from any terrorism, more fun to prepare his speech for 'welcome' to the next President to activate the usual farewell fireworks.
If the next president is the March 14 elections have left their mark where neither furibistas or antiuribistas can claim victory or anything like it. The U.S. did not reach the 30% and left antiuribista suffered a harsh setback. Radical change could not or the PIN. Independents ( fajardo included) failed to overtake but hardly the margin of error of the surveys. The Conservatives won their old classical liberals, but while some split their preferences between noemistas and Uribe, second, with just under 20% of the total votes, can claim the role of captain of the opposition. Finally, if all lost a little or a lot, "according to their expectations," the only one who could claim victory, but must wait until Saturday, is Naomi, and who should not complain too much is Brown. So, Santos, Naomi and Brown agreed to the podium on March 14, and the three-bet, we will choose the next president.
's votes are actually Arias-Uribe-swell flow Santos. The PIN database will be divided between Naomi and Brown, but their leaders make nods to Santos. Santos will be happy if it reaches 35% in the first round, while disappointed with Santos Uribe Uribe re-election and largely derived their preferences for Naomi and the Conservative Party with which it may reach 15 May 30%. Liberal, independent, and polo players will rub together varguistas 35%, but independent of them will not achieve any Naomi excel.
between the first and second rounds of groupings, alliances and commitments will be for rent balcony, although it is known that on one hand are the domes and other bases are in a sense are oriented machinery and clientelism, and in another move the votes of opinion, which is good to remember the presidential weigh more than the Congress.
that is looming presidential election 2010 will ultimately not on stage polarized between continuity and opposition, but in the more nuanced and varied own two forms of continuity is not vertical to the leadership of Uribe, who favor the two-Santos and Noemi - non-breaking Uribe's legacy while rehearsing variations on the same issue of security with different views on the content of the continuity and distinctive from August. Sure, we're anticipating too much because at this time Naomi has effectively defeated Arias-although this is foreshadowed, and Rafael Pardo also can produce the blow of the opinion that so far has not produced but nothing prevents personal non-conditions-missing to finally put his Liberal Party and coalition with the presidential runoff Naomi evicted, or who knows ... also teaming up with Naomi, obviously against Santos, and even perhaps with some perverse satisfaction Uribe himself more eager to play 'opposition' than 'official' of a government "so-called Uribe" where you do not send or 'stop too many balls' ...
can not be hidden that are growing in number in Colombia that not only celebrate the Uribe track output, but is preparing to celebrate loudly Arias's defeat, and dream and pray and 'brood' democratically for the August 7 assume a president that reflects the alternation coveted after eight years of Uribe has only after 14 March with two names favored by the popular vote. If the Saints embodies continuity, discontinuity emerges with Naomi and becomes sharper and Rafael alternative. Of course, in politics as in football, who does not see them making goals. And if it is to score goals the way Angelino Santos dressing room was a goal that encourages the spirits of continuity.
1 to 0 ... but that is just beginning and it appears to be lengthened.
So I see myself.
The 153 articles included in the published series, begun in 2005 - ASI YO LA VEO available to the reader in www.lapazencolombia.blogspot.com
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