SO THE VEO YO - Year 6
No bread alone does man live, not only lives up democracy
By Juan Rubbini
"There two kinds of authority, politics and morality. One of the reasons that explains the perverse course of history is hard to find both in the same person or institution. The prophets are unarmed, and often armed prophets. "( Norberto Bobbio , the absent third) <>
Uribe will not be eligible Presidential and not just for reasons of substance, not of opinion, but because the procedures to be facilitators were marred by an irresponsible detachment - How long? the legality and respecting their ways. In good time the Constitutional Court exercised its role, not for or against a candidate, but by strict adherence to the law
not surprise us that from now, and even more so after the next-August 7 becomes more likely and near come to know the truth on more than a formal question-and substantially connected with the armed conflict, international mediation and peace processes failed, inconclusive or not even initiated. Issues like
abrupt cut to peace talks with Self and ELN, and Chavez's mediation with FARC Piedad, all unilateral acts of the Government with its partners, nor say of the extemporaneous extradition between cocks and midnight- - U.S. of the chief negotiators of the extinct AUC bypassing the agreements reached at the Executive Board Resolutions and presidential as the 303, 2004. So a government honor their commitments to peace and his duty to honor the Truth?
The commitment to peace and reconciliation of the Colombian people will be able to overcome some limitations that reduced government security Democratic attempt to revive the doctrine of national security covered during eight years of a war declared the alleged terrorism, while being demonized political solution to the conflict, and they tried, not without originality, you have to admit-deny not only the objective causes , subjective side of the Sino-which is frankly laughable if it did not constitute the tragedy that embodies-its very existence.
Finally, after Samper, Pastrana and after Pastrana, Uribe. Luckily, if rain stopped, and the political nature took pity at the end of Colombians to the upcoming electoral spring and bloom of promise and hope.
Candidates abound, come in all colors, a rainbow for proposals open to the free will that after the process 8000, the Caguan and false eyes wide open before voting. It is not expected nods but claim belief, dignified as citizens and not to lean subjects, do not fit vacuum breaks but no more of the same when it no longer meets. No reward is visceral but neither antiuribismo echo the furiuribismo frivolous and obsequious.
Next Sunday will have to be careful because if Makeover is doing well, Vargas Lleras Santos will grow and not have it so easy. Between the U and Cambio Radical played a classic that is hot. There will be another, crestfallen about altri tempi for them most glorious-frentenacionalistas-between red and blue, between Liberals and Conservatives, while the Greens + Fajardo will see them with the pole. The PIN has something against all of David against Goliath, and Naomi, if you want to know, has my vote against Arias and, if he wins, what will worry him more than one and more than anyone to Juan Manuel. In short, there is the Prague Spring or the Fall of the Berlin Wall, but I welcome that because Colombia has not resigned to Don Alvaro and start celebrating the political change since March 14 in the polls, because whoever wins, win democracy. No right or left, democracy and now and always, that's enough.
The presidential will start their game from next week. The candidate what the candidate? begin plucking the daisy, not necessarily in this order: what to do with Chavez, and U.S.?, "who will inherit the war and peace must be built?, what to do with Uribe president in office?;" Lula or PiƱera, UNASUR or OAS?, "land reform or food security?," urban or regional autonomy centralism?, "political reform or political reform?;" crop substitution concerted or brave?, "income redistribution or inequality clientelizada?," more market, more government, more civil society?; "internal integration, border policy, infrastructure for human development? No missing issues will not be a boring campaign nor the media will be so.
not live by bread alone man ... not just fed up democracy. For better or for worse, the Uribe came, went and how everything in life will be forgotten or selective memory. Some will remember the good, others not so good, others decidedly bad.
What really matters is not what the Uribe finally we will left, but what people will have learned over the years.
At least I learned something: As God does not play dice with the universe , neither states nor governments should play war with life and death of citizens, even with its armed opposition. Life is sacred and State and Government to comply with Life does not play.
First Life first Peace.
So I see myself.
The 152 articles included in the published series, begun in 2005 - ASI YO LA VEO available to the reader in www.lapazencolombia.blogspot.com
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