SO THE VEO YO - Year 6
No matter how bad situation that can not worse
By Juan Rubbini

Justice and Peace did not come out of nowhere. Much less the end of the war. It was not in anyone's mind when he began the peace process with the AUC. However, Justice and Peace there, and laws are to be kept. Or amend, or repeal. Justice and Peace
presupposes that there is willingness to float the truth and reparations to the victims. It also presupposes that the State shall have everything you need to be available to flow Justice, to be managed and implemented. All within the time limits, all within the law
Justice and Peace was not prepared to extradite anyone, least to avert the Truth, obstructing justice and re-victimize the victims. If the previous government to extradite the paramilitary leaders wanted to secure his third term to the cost of blocking the flow of truth, ignore the victims and left in legal limbo demobilized leaders extradited, that should be the subject of judicial investigation. The Executive's discretion should not be put to use in particular causes contrary to the general good, or concealment of the truth and obstruction of due process. Criminal liability be determined in Colombia, or claim in international forums, and if only it is to be discussed political responsibilities: more reason to insist that the demobilized former AUC leaders must regain their political rights to resume and completed its peace process.
should not be take to forget what happened to the interrupted negotiations with the paramilitaries. Because of this new misfortunes are derived, new conflicts, new victims. You do not make peace with an armed group to give serious grounds to speak of violations of the state, nor allow new generations of paramilitaries have their good and bad reasons to start their sense of entitlement betrayed, the word government breached .
Will Santos is measured to reconstruct this nonsense and gets the acquiescence of the United States to repatriate those who wish to follow extradited within Justice and Peace and that comply not only with justice but with the Justice of Colombia? This not only would work the benefit of Justice and Peace, but that would open the door for 'dissidents' from the demobilized reconsider if there was not time to cease hostilities and return to the fold of peace talks: in this case, only Mancuso and others-with assent, can attest to the peace process continues and will eventually restated agreements, validated and enforced by the parties. What is not realistic or is seriously thinking that there will be effective and fruitful cooperation between the two justices to thousands of miles away from the epicenter of the events that overcomes the isolation of the extradited to the reality of many thousands of victims, and many thousands of facts that can not be clarified but the physical presence of the accused in Colombia.
How long will appear to light a new Carlos Castano? What conditions are ripening for the phenomenon of new self-defense is manifested loudly? What is the political discourse in Colombia chosen to encourage a new crusade against the guerrillas illegal survivors, with which Uribe has not been? Who says the drug does not engage fully in the mother of all wars to win blood and fire first and demobilizing after negotiation, the social and political legitimacy? That's that ' people do not commit crimes' may be rolling again, this time, saying the failure of the same Caguán Ralito and not seen as main actors responsible for illegal, but as the result of the strategic decision of economic and political establishment with to sustain and build power and sources of enrichment to keep the war? A few days ago reminded us Otto Morales Benitez in his time of senior advisor to the government of Betancur's peace in the 80 'enemies of peace crouching' existed in the same government he integrated and added "were not just military , as many believed then. "
If we are not questions that are, reality slapping the face without mercy. If we allow ourselves to be the missing wins mock and refuse to look in the mirror of the many conflicts that we are subjected to injustice and war, not just the Justice and Peace law will be overwhelmed by the events it hosts are illegal playing to our blindness, it may instead form an alliance to confront, rather than bleed each other to join forces and transform the history of ideological disagreements in a war of social emancipation. In healthy dialectical philosophical theses and the antitheses are, in the long run of history, its synthesis overcomes. And what does not happen in half a century, ends up happening in the span of a decade or even less, if the objective conditions and subjective forces coincide in time, form and place a horse on situations that ordinary people do not see, and myopia of the political class prevents envision. Sounds like an alibi
cynical warmonger chorus of those who at every brutal act of war that the guerrillas have staged from August 7 to rhetorical appeal or apocalyptic as you want to view, the "raging, raging, raging" claiming that the fires are extinguished by throwing more fuel on the fire, or worse, spilling gasoline on the flames. Will they bid within the two lines new Government targets are not only differ but they face? And while some want to pave the way for talks with the rebels, others insist on closing any doors that lead to peace talks. The truth is that not all who speak of victory really believe in it, but relied on the misrepresentation, actually serve the interests of the war that generate enormous private benefits, where losses are socialized but the profits are privatized. Follow that track the skeptics again be true that you 'think wrong and you will succeed. " Then do the same exercise with the legalization of cocaine and the like. Not everyone who bid for not legalize they do defending moral principles, or public health situations. Mimicked in this speech are those cashing the outlawing that allows not only the accumulation of large fortunes, but also the proliferation of endless corruption that if for the narcos are costs to the beneficiaries income means inconsiderable. We
evidence is leaning towards Santos president on war and peace, if it takes place the first official visit to the United States, not before, elementary Watson. Know where they go Obama and Clinton on issues of armed conflict in Colombia when they emit signals on any dialogue or transcend decisions that allow us to infer that we do not rush go slow in palace affairs. Meanwhile the rebels continue to accumulate economic power, which is the prelude to more weapons. This will be negotiated peace or sustain war. While political speeches are tuned for the new stage post-Uribe, also assist pronouncements from the mount, from different geographies forestry and rural and urban, put on the table, how much truth is there on the effective revitalization guerrillas, and how much of a politician is in the new generations paramilitary post Ralito. "
Neither the war is won with only words, no peace is achieved only with more war. Just as it is not going to war without political clarity, one can not dream of ways of peace, if not political lights. And this applies to government and guerrillas, and also for new and old stop and ... the 'narcos' will have to learn that there are issues that are not delegated, nor are they in the body of another, for example the policy of haute couture.
Santos If within the Government there are two lines, the 'hawks' and 'doves', and if within the guerrillas there who would make the game the 'hawks' and others looking to tune into the 'doves', will to investigate what is going on by the head of the new 'stop' and how much they remember and apply what they learned from the speech 'pro-state' of Brown and former heads demobilized, or how much they have adapted to survive the conflict actors weaving alliances and not just looking approaches 'hawks' and 'doves' within the Government, but guerrillas and 'narcos', and all sorts of 'armed species' that abound in the jungles of Tarzan, and the cement, not today forbidden territory is neither war nor peace, because everyone, absolutely everyone, or political causes, or is seen to be done. Thus
I see.
The 170 articles included in the published series, launched in March 2005 - ASI YO LA VEO available to the reader in
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