SO THE VEO YO - Year 6
Terrorist produce terror, dialogues produce and brought the peace agreements
By Juan Rubbini
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"The man now falls in the account which is nothing but an accident, being without sense, that no reason to follow the game until the end "(Francis Bacon, Irish painter)
... There are at least two people that the President would do well to listen to Santos, a rebel, is up in arms, another unarmed, is far and hopes.
President Santos ponders these days about war and peace. My guess is finally inclined for peace, not because the war is not as handy and as you know, but it is a man of great challenges, striving to attain what has been inaccessible for generations of Colombians.
social and armed conflict is the great theme of the second half of the twentieth century rooted in Colombia in the land and fed by human vanity merciless strikes with his hammer neck of Colombians in the countryside and the city. The evil of selfishness armed pleased with the continuation of the tragedy and its actors remain on stage disinterested public laments that now, now is tense, sometimes humiliated is resigned to continue giving each other gunshot victims and multiplying the other people's money, private or State, since as far back in time appropriated the role of perpetrators inheriting his own damn power over life and death, freedom and confinement, who, unarmed, they just want to live in peace.
However, the war may have its days numbered, and that those who benefit from it are only hastening their crimes to the outbreak of peace not surprised without filling his saddlebags with precious gentleman is Don Money. Who says actors armed with one blow the illegality of drugs does not become law? Who says those who govern Colombia that the tax money paid by taxpayers gringos and Europeans, will continue to flow like manna from hell alms for the Colombian State to continue playing at war with the product of fiscal sacrifice of distant peoples and skeptical of the virtues of 'statesmen' of those who have occupied as feudal lords, in Creole and anachronistic medieval, the Presidential Palace?
... There are at least two people who are in the bush rebels, armed to the teeth, would do well to listen, one is the president of all Colombians, another his enemy yesterday, today disarmed and banished.
some would say that without the drug money or some powerful countries will continue the war here so Hutus and Tutsis, with the sword and spear, with stones if necessary. Maybe, causes abound, maybe not, there are reasons, but here and now in Colombia at the beginning of this century, both victims of dispossession and indifference are reaching the point of rebellion, but rebellion peacefully at last, and this coincides with winds of legalization, decriminalization, or whatever you call to remedy the gross profits of drug trafficking and massive reduce them to 'reasonable rates' and subject to tax revenues that have funded many crimes of the revolutionaries, of the counter and the armies of profit from corrupt politics and business financed with the blood of Colombians.
While fitting into the heavens the stars to synchronize e hibridicen unarmed and peaceful revolt of the victims with the conversion of production and marketing of illicit drugs today, decent legal business, see what happens with the breezes of peace that President Santos-not all of its Government for what has been seen and heard, has injected a touch of English phlegm in the hopes of reconciliation between Colombians
Require the contractual conditions in the war politically correct sounds from the side of democracy, but I am afraid it is ineffective and even counterproductive in matters of enemies who are precisely because neither they stood their ground and are not subject to directives, or insinuations, "much unless other conditions, which is seen as an 'absolutely' other which is to eliminate or neutralize. Precisely because of this, from this is that the dialogue should start without influencing the other. We will see after exploratory talks, if passed to another stage of negotiations, where it may arrive at verifiable compliance conditions initially agreed to be feasible.
... There are at least two people who are alone and waiting, banished and silenced in its truth, would do well to listen, one is the President of all Colombians, another rebel from the enemy yesterday, today, eager to work for peace without sacrificing their dreams.
As Head of State, President Santos should not forget that between 2002 and 2006, the AUC were subjected to all conditions that the then Head of State gave them. How fulfilled the State which had accepted the Committee? Not only negating but imprisoning the partner and then extradited. So the Colombian government meets its commitments to peace and reconciliation? Mind you, that this history is still weighing and weighing until the Head of State acknowledges that the AUC has failed to comply with this very serious and must be repaired before or after, because the peace processes in Colombia hereafter may not charge demeaning to that spot, which threatens the credibility of the Word of Government and Law in such a sensitive matter. Put another way: what is the point of attaching conditions to the FARC or the ELN, or any other illegal armed group, where the State bears the brunt of a massive failure of their own commitments agreed with one of the armed actors, in this case the AUC demobilized between 2003 and 2006? On the above
also weighs the legitimate claim to reparation and truth that Colombian society has not given up or resign from the Justice and Peace, transitional law that requires the satisfaction of the established there. Did the former head of state has not obstructed justice, Justice and Peace, no less, to extradite, and well away from victims and subordinates and allies of the self-virtually all of whom starred in the peace negotiations, counterpart of the state, including nothing less than the Chief of Staff Negotiator of the AUC, Salvatore Mancuso. How can you expect the head of state that can meet the requirements of justice in Colombia, thousands of miles away, cut off and isolated, being a phenomenon of irregular warfare, which were obtained more than 30,000 demobilized ex-combatants who had served in a war for so many years and the balance of thousands of unfortunate victims, for which compensation has been so damaged as the truth away and unable to come to light, the decision at the wrong time taken by President Uribe extradition of those who led the process from war to peace.
All these records are heavy and will weigh as heavy obstacles in the way of peace. Know they recognize and clear the path that leads to dialogue and reconciliation requires an inventory of all pending and pending accumulated to find a solution to unlock impediments even-handed measures, realistic and bold, because business is not easy but On the contrary, highly complex and risky.
that occurs to me that as the FARC must rethink its peace strategies, which will surely have them, the Head of State and President of Colombia, will have to reflect, meditate and take decisions which will have to leave the roads and busy by their predecessors, because the fact is that with better or worse intentions and achievements, all of them the challenge of building peace in Colombia has been great.
With Santos President the right to hope he is, deserves the opportunity and honor to know your style and mood: Do not sow skepticism, not sin of impatient, ask not impossible, it will be there and walk and take flight if we cut off the legs, if not trashed the wings.
... At least one person, the president of all Colombians, who would do well to build bridges for a rebel arms raised in the bush and another unarmed person who is alone and outcast, can gather to chat, without conditions, without shackles or rifle, to learn from the mouths of others, so that others know the mouth of one, if the fate of Colombia, is that some inhabit the mountain and others die of nostalgia, while other rules from the shrapnel and victims.
Or if there is another way, the national unity has also responded and outstretched hand to the heart of the rebel and that far from the homeland, the land of dreams all come back, demobilized convinced not to prosecute the war, but to add your heart to the hearts of others.
So I see myself.
The 169 articles included in the published series, launched in March 2005 - ASI YO LA VEO are available to the reader in www.lapazencolombia.blogspot.com
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