SO THE VEO YO - Year 6
No fuel to the fire, no more blood shed
No fuel to the fire, no more blood shed
By Juan Rubbini

means that the government expresses indignation Santos Yair Klein is not sent to Colombia as it is covered by European Justice and the State of Israel to respond here for their shares linked to paramilitaries of the '80s. But is not the same government defaulted Santos to ask the U.S. authorities the repatriation of the leaders of the AUC and FARC extradited, whose presence in Colombia requires not only the commitment of the Colombian State, Justice and Peace, but the need for truth and self-repair of transitional justice that President Santos has just taken a few days ago in New York, International Criminal Court and the United Nations? Santos
The Government has imposed a series of preconditions to the FARC and ELN to sit down and talk with their representatives. All these conditions, and a few others, have been effectively met by the former heads of the demobilized paramilitaries from 2004 to the present. What then prevents the Government Santos its dialogue with those in Colombia and the U.S. continue to honor its commitments to justice and meeting their standards of Truth, Justice and Reparation despite all the difficulties and legal uncertainties and even departure from the country that have conspired and continue to plot against the speed of the processes and demands of victims and the public? Cursa
these days in Congress a bill that attempts to begin to bring order to what remains a random peace process, whose merits are indisputable and incontrovertible achievements, but has shown to all and sundry that Colombia is still far from concrete in the events that demobilization and transitional justice work properly.
test is not a memorial of grievances about violations of party and party, not to demonize the former government or to award to former paramilitary chiefs all sorts of epithets and stigmas. Surely, there will be justification, or at least more or less plausible explanations "on the accumulation of animosities, assumptions and prejudices that made back and forth between the Presidential Palace and Santa Fe Ralito a path of thorns and disagreements which ended with some in prison, with other extradited, with many hundreds or even thousands, dead or back in the bush, and the most-those who today are closer to hell than limbo-incredulous at the words of State - that should be sacred, and sunk between the temptation of violence and the real risk of falling into the labyrinth 'Kafkaesque' of a process and not political, not of peace but of unpredictable and dramatic consequences for them, their families and communities.
So I wonder and ask the Government Santos: if this government is continuing the policies of the Uribe government with the necessary corrections and improvements in each case: from relations with neighboring countries to its new vision of continental unity, through the harmony between the powers of democracy and national unity as the path and goal of Colombians, is it not time to include in the national agenda and government review and update the eight-year peace process with the AUC, and revive the human contact and face with his former bosses and members representatives?
Nobody would claim everything happens ills brought the country the illegal and unethical collusion between paramilitaries and government forces, political, economic or military. It is also clear that the end justifies the means, or from the left or from the right. Above all else, seeks to ensure non-repetition of disastrous actions and produce no new or re-victimizes victims who have already suffered too much and too unfairly. All this is learning that can not and must unlearn the Colombians. That said, the fact is that those who were disarmed and demobilized, believed in the word of the Uribe government and staked everything for peace and reconciliation, they assumed their guilt and are fulfilling their commitments to justice, truth and reparation, they did not confident only in God but have a second chance in this life on earth Colombian free, live in peace.
So, to strengthen national unity, to continue building the foundations of peace and reconciliation among those who were enemies in war, and also between victims and perpetrators, between guilty and innocent, between repentant and willing to forgive, do not you think President Francisco Santos, vice president does not believe Garzon, former bosses do not believe Mr. self-defense, that the time has come for dialogue, exchange of human dreams and fears, experiences and goals, objectives and actions that lead to the definitive end of the war, the sincere reconciliation and founding a renewed and prosperous Colombia?
On August 7, 2002 begin to imagine what would be Colombia without paramilitary self-defense or in the way of reaching a decade Colombia after a pacified and reconciled with the guerrillas demobilized, but out in their ideals and politically active. I dare say that was the dream of CastaƱo and Mancuso and surely also the initiators of Uribe and his government in 2002. It is not adding fuel to the fire or the blame of what could have been anticipated and verified even in less than a decade.
is instead to recognize us alive, and act accordingly, with love and understanding, dialogue and cooperation. Colombia
Because the saved among all, or not save anyone.
So I see myself.
The 173 articles included in the published series, launched in March 2005 - ASI YO LA VEO available to the reader in
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