's talk, Male', politically speaking, if 'Paris is worth a mass' ...
By Juan Rubbini
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"There will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just who need not become" Luke 15, 7
seductive thing of 'conspiracy theory' is that but not actually paint the imagination awake.
For example, there are few who believe that drug trafficking is a crime and is pursued only because demand guaranteed by human nature, is nothing more than helpful offering return business for profit of those who produce and sell drugs. Following this line of interpretation 'conspiracy' there are those who insist that if analyzed objectively how the drug distributed income that leads to your business would find that not only in luxury and safety equipment spend the 'narcos' but invested the proceeds of their business in what is the income of the realm of neat people, industrial honest, skilled tradesmen, renowned political and not a few rulers including final beneficiaries of the rent and everything moves demonized the economy of the country, certainly more in consuming countries that producers and exporters.
course the 'conspiracy theorists' go further. It is known that the role he resists everything, including arguments to be fallacious. What would happen, they ask some, if in a given country, for example Colombia, the cocaine producers and exporters decided they are willing to leave the business and become citizens under the law, seeking to change to stay for free disposal with a less of their capital-less than twenty percent, and giving the remaining eighty percent for forming part of a Social Inclusion Fund administered by the state, with the participation of civil society and the rest to the creation of jobs and business development in the areas now affected by armed conflict. Why not also think that the FARC and the ELN could join with their capitals 'ill-gotten' and also propose a reformulation of the political and economic system to the effect that their initiatives were approved democratically by the citizens of Colombia?
What would that of the 'conspiracy theory' if you take the above body? For one thing, would prove that such a 'conspiracy theory' had feet of clay and it was just a delusion from malicious and skeptical, and consumer countries, the richest and most powerful of the planet-if they are willing to give up ' benefits' which will economically produce the income from drug trafficking, at least for cocaine and other herbs produced in Colombia. And not only that, would have the great opportunity to facilitate the repatriation to Colombia of all those who had been extradited and who were willing to comply with the agreements 'desnarcotización' signed by guerrillas, BACRIM, narcos, etc., etc. Colombia thus not only 'desnarcotizaría' their agenda with the U.S. and Europe, but ipso facto become an attractive and very safe investment market and international business by strengthening its economy and the purchasing power of its population, in the context of an inclusive democracy, participatory and socially just.
All this appealing to a paradigm shift that will change the face of Colombia. What do you mean when 'Cano' say 'let's talk, man "is put a thousand and one poor conditions for the military honor and militant guerrillas? If what matters is to talk first and decide later. To impose conditions that impossible to pay the belief in conspiracy theories of those who are convinced that the Colombian political class and its partners around fur, fear most the end of the drug business, the continuation of armed conflict. And said what happened to the proposed 'Cano' also smells bad 'no emphatic and vociferous' of those who are not willing to talk with the 'BACRIM' tip of the iceberg-confluence paramilitaries, drug traffickers and co., to know what it is that he came to hear the worthy Bishop of Monteria on the willingness to 'let's talk, man "emanated not from' Cano ' this time, but those who know and can where, how and when to end the 'illegal crops' and 'laboratory'. Instead of tearing his hair out and appeal to all kinds of platitudes, empty rhetoric and sophistry good would the Colombian political class hosting shake the cobwebs in their brains and humorous aside once and for all the ghosts that involve 'theories conspiracy '. As for the whole of the 'illegal conflict "best-if you really would want to end the conflict and violence, to communicate better and more humanely with the common people and supported and be understood by the people that you will forgive me if correcting the course and no longer 'work' for their own interest to unite efforts for the common good.
To overcome the 'conspiracy theory' of conflict and drug trafficking, nothing better than building from the bottom up, from the borders and the areas to large cities and the capital, because it says the proverb: "No more deaf who not want to hear "," not so blind as those who do not want to see. "
And as things go, you'd better 'illegal'-a-land all his peace proposals to the political discourse, as well as Blaise Pascal once wrote that 'speaking of love you fall in love', it is also true that talking about politics' one is politicized. " And if they are professional politicians who do not accept the 'let's talk, man' will have to be, and be-calling and political leadership who, from their point of departure 'ilegal'-Colombia wants to flow from war to peace, from enmity and bitterness, reconciliation.
If the words of Henry IV of France, "Paris is worth a Mass", why not give 'illegals' and the peace policy to a new course,' cause for peace in Colombia is worth "politicized" , in the best sense of the word politics, no more missing.
That only with politics and good, we will finally years of victims and victimizers, rogues and indifferent.
So I see myself.
The 176 articles included in the published series, launched in March 2005 - ASI YO LA VEO available to the reader in www.lapazencolombia.blogspot.com
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