SO THE VEO YO - Year 7
The glass is half full ... llenémoslo among all of
By Juan Rubbini
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Until 1990, the time of the 'cold war' the 'Uprising' was limited to the Marxist guerrillas, when state and 'paramilitary' were substantially the same thing. In the XXI century the drug trade has become the banker of the war, not only in the fuel as they say-which degraded the guerrilla action (although strengthened economically) and also allowed the paramilitaries to become more and more autonomous not only economically and militarily, but also as pressure and political action. As the guerrillas were drugged to walk, AUC became politicized. No one can be called a surprise if today is that 'BACRIM' modus vivendi and guerrillas agree and covenant limits on their performance: if they could avoid such arrangements, avoid, 'not joined by love but by fear', but this happens now, when society is a time to demand the government a peace process with all the Law and all actors. Because if this is allowed to proceed and left to its own dynamics relying exclusively on military and police of the State of Colombia's ills will only increase. This should not escape the analysis of those who still believe that war and the terrorist threat are inevitable destinations but fire tests initiatives like the Forum for 'Waging Peace in Colombia "are intended to overcome through dialogue, consensus and political solutions.
dependence and influence of the drug rather than a proper decision has been for guerrillas and paramilitaries imposition of reality, and in any case a constraint to its development policy and external recognition. Thus the traditional view of a negotiated political solution between guerrillas and state is not sufficiently realistic and consistent with the current strategic balance and imbalance in Colombia. In addition, the unfinished process of the demobilized paramilitaries is the link that binds the old ways of paramilitary with new forms of BACRIM or emerging bands, 50% of whose current leaders (was that the Government) are former paramilitary demobilization is not wanted for different reasons, but which are crucial to try his approach with his former bosses demobilized negotiating table.
will proceed with great tact and diplomacy in order not to defeat the guerrillas approaches that have always been contrary to any formula of political negotiation with the paramilitaries, or say to drug traffickers. Is that the guerrillas continue to think in terms of time of the 'cold war'. And the state is also stronger and hegemonic idea that only negotiations with the guerrillas could have political content. In this sense Uribe was an exception to the rule until the situation became untenable and he chose to walk back and removed the problem of jailing and extraditing top negotiators. I say all this to show that the difficulty to harmonize all these contradictions and interest is really great and everyone knows.
The appeal is to add and not subtract, multiply and divide is not being inclusive, not sectarian, comprehensive and unrestricted, caring and unselfish.
The Colombian armed conflict originated in the context and influences, constraints and the geopolitics of the Cold War. This explains that thoughts about the conflict and possible solutions still contain much of the initial contents repeated and repeated so many times. I predict the early settlement of the old conflict and simultaneously the solution of all that has become armed conflict after the end of the Cold War and the advent of drug trafficking and globalization.
somehow put it together the loose ends urges that lead from the Nudo del Paramillo Marquetalia, Manuel Marulanda Carlos Castaño, the former lords young BACRIM, Jorge Eliecer Gaitan Luis Carlos Galan, Laureano Gomez Alvaro Uribe, Alfonso Lopez Michelsen Juan Manuel Santos. Soviet Union and Putin United States, Fidel Castro to Hugo Chavez, from Truman to Obama.
For all this and a few other things like forums Buenos Aires, initiatives such as the Colombians for Peace and strangers reveal that the glass is half full, but the same is also half empty. And if it comes to building peace, and this is the central issue, let us resolve to never say no 'to this water I drink' cause if it is not "swallowing frogs left and right 'will not get out of this hell ever.
So I see myself.
The 175 articles included in the published series, launched in March 2005 - ASI YO LA VEO available to the reader in
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