extraditing not follow the Truth, put it to work on the foundations of the Peace and Reconciliation
By Juan Rubbini
The 'law' that embodies Antanas has against strings 'security' of 'anything goes' that embodies Juan Manuel. The 'lights' burst on the stage of 'self-promoting' the right 'Uribe' intended to erect as a substitute for Democracy. The success of the Greens in the polls is the "punishment vote" citizen of the 'right' to be appropriated Uribe, forgetting that won the 2002 and 2006 for 'right' but in the north of 'stop your macho' to FARC in a war which until then only the paramilitaries had faced. If the paramilitaries were a remedy illegal product of a state that had lost its way, as President Uribe also combined with illegal law covered in the sophistry of 'bad apples'.
peace process proposed by the paras was the beginning of the end of paramilitary and drug trafficking, while Uribe destroyed it with the disastrous effect of the paramilitaries and enthrone retread 'false positives' and' emerging bands. " More would have earned Uribe balls to stop him warnings Castaño and Mancuso in the process of demobilization to the 'sorcerer's apprentices' who proposed to replace them to inherit their lands and make a new Castaño Uribe legitimized by the' democratic security '. If
green wave 'democratic legitimacy' defeat at the polls to the official candidate little doubt that there will be sufficient guarantees that the new Government knows the hidden truths that are today the former paramilitary commanders in the U.S. and reassembled in the illegal paramilitaries.
cornered Reasons to abort the peace process with the paramilitaries remain unknown but hypotheses about those triggers have Ralito failure to join those real reasons that led the brothers Castaño, Mancuso and other paramilitary leaders to Uribe propose the dismantling of illegal structures in exchange for re-establish the state in areas that were of influence, where he was a 'de facto states' with 'legality undemocratic' and seditious, and the FARC are "state" and impose their own revolutionary law in the territories they control. If such powerful forces then at the height of its existence, taken as bold and innovative decision, to demobilize, no surprise that Justice and Peace finally comes to his research until that crucial moment, this new generation of peace on self-defense that should shine paths of peace, even with the guerrillas, if the Government had no other intentions as shooting, disturbing and dark, yet revealing, that led to Colombia to continue in the labyrinth of the dirty war even after the same rhetoric who demobilized government has sought to stigmatize and scapegoat, along with the FARC, the Colombian humanitarian tragedy.
Victims have the right to truth and reparation, not only those produced in Colombia, also produced in the U.S. because of drug trafficking and consumption of illicit drugs. That is beyond discussion. The cooperation of the perpetrators to justice here and there has to be above all political calculations and ideological, in the same way that the cooperation between the two justices must take into account that the truths of the conflict and the truths of development Peace processes must converge on policies that will recognize what is atypical of the Colombian situation and the humanitarian emergency, not only to compensate the victims, all victims, but also prevent victims are still produced by an armed conflict that perpetuates merciless given priority to war strategies of legal and illegal actors on efforts inside and outside of Colombia have been made, and continue to do to find a solution that not only put an end to hostilities but also provide reparation, truth and justice .
look is within this objective, dispassionate and deeper than the 'democratic legitimacy' of the 'four tenors' will be converted historically a conceptualization transcends the internal armed conflict to achieve intellectual and pragmatic pass the narrow limits 'Uribe' in its conception Manichean myopic 'democratic security' which was certainly born of a collective desire in general and ended up choking the corridors of Casa de Nari uncontrollable lust for power and his courtiers and scribes, eager to prolong and extend the boundaries of the war to profit from the sale of its false and reprehensible remedies recycled from the 'cold war' and anti-pre-fall Berlin Wall and the end of the Soviet Union.
The beginning of the end of the war in Colombia may be born with the demobilization of the paramilitaries. Could not be and their protagonists, both sides of the negotiating table are indebted to the public in the true story of the peace process and frustration. Without knowing this truth should no longer wrapped in the folds of a number of extraditions and strange deaths of former paramilitaries, all of which need to flourish in an irreplaceable contribution to building peace that surely a new government will have among its projects and goals as a challenge and motivation from 7 August.
is not only not to extradite the truth that we deserve but to build the foundation of the Truth the rule is actually worth, which is based on the pillars of peace and legality, which makes the opponent not an enemy or the human being exploited or deception.
So I see myself.
The 158 articles included in the published series, launched in March 2005 - ASI YO LA VEO available to the reader in www.lapazencolombia.blogspot.com
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