SO THE VEO YO - Year 6
Something terrible happened between Gaitan and Mockus, a history that owes us a happy ending
By Juan Rubbini
For freedom
(Miguel Hernández - Joan Manuel Serrat)
bleed for freedom, fight and live on.
For freedom, my eyes and my hands, like a tree
carnal generous and imprisoned, I
hearts feel more freedom than grains of sand on my chest. Dan foam
my veins and I enter the hospital and went into the cotton
as lilies.
empty Because where some matted,
she put two stones into the future,
and make new arms and legs to grow new
in meat harvested.
sprout winged sap without autumn,
relics of my body I lose every wound.
Because I am like the tree cut down, and I sprout
I have a life yet.
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
If war is too serious to be left alone in the hands of military, political and also 'or by Chiras' may be left only in hand-and pocket- politicians. From the President's Office can not change what has already happened but you can change the future for another future. Santos Uribe is what Obama is ... Mockus. Bridging the gap between U.S. and Colombia to govern, but taking note of the similarities, out of respect for Obama and Mockus maifiestan by Laws as makers of social transformation. Because if Uribe went well with Bush, Santos did not go well with Obama, for the same reasons that a meeting between Mockus and Mc Cain would not five minutes.
If Uribe left his government appropriated by the right voracious and patronage, Mockus independent right is left when compared with Uribe that governs us, and is clearly a pro right-center against some left extremist Polo but not so much from the same Petro, much less against the liberal tendency of many liberals and not a few conservatives. All this to say that Mockus not electorally Uribe faces from the left, but from a center-right has made seductive white strip that was fed Uribe to be silenced and excluded, if not stigmatized and imprisoned-by a minority of furibistas whose autism and personality cult of Uribe have led to poor performance was not achieved nor its third term candidate or position a shaft that was plebiscite in the first round as happened in 2002 and 2006.
not succeed in the first round will be humiliating defeat for the candidate who seeks to uphold the continuity of leadership of Uribe and his favorability of 70%. Will double defeat even if you miss the first since May 30. This was the green point immediate objective: to take the lead on Sunday in the polls and have more cards in hand when you arrive agreed upon with each of the four parties that remain outside the grand finale June 20.
When talking about Green Party ignores the social and cultural phenomenon it embodies. It is more properly a social tidal wave that party. Mockus is the tip of the iceberg, 'emergent phenomenon', not the prophet who draws crowds and the Pied Piper painted by Rendon haunt Santos. There is so much that lead Mockus as the tide pushes green to the presidency. Santos why could not hide the sun with their fingers or prevent many water until yesterday Uribe will be out of hand. Not the horror Uribe resulting stampede, which already approaches 40% - but I really hope that another Colombia is possible, and can not only better but also, from its foundations and accomplishments differently. Different from all known and experienced so far. Different and friendly, different and distinctive. Culturally different and superior. Next level, for that matter, and the collective effort brings only crowd silent until yesterday, until yesterday invisible, obscured by the course and Uribe's speech, ignored and despised by the ruling messianism, cannon fodder triumphalist ambitions and anchored in a past that was and do not belong to us or holds us today.
Santos could beat any partisan candidate, even and especially Mockus If successful campaign into a party candidate, a candidate of the right or left, reducing the professional political class, ministry bureaucrat, or even satellite Chavez, or agent of Obama. But no, Mockus is not the true rival of Santos, the real rival Juan Manuel is the comparison made it with Uribe, and the unburied corpses that democratic security tried to disappear but stink, how stinking and disgusting . If it were only that ... but no, there is more and definitive: the green tide was not born with Mockus not be exhausted with Mockus, born say at that unexpectedly happened Bogotazo Gaitan crime, dressed in guerrilla rebellion and peasant self-defense, survives State crimes and crimes of drug trafficking, has managed to get bruised, but full of so much disrespect for life, so much corruption and misuse of collective goods always looking for a beach to stand for so much movement in vain to preach both in the desert, so the Prophet slaughtered and as many prostitutes by the ambitions of power and capital.
is simply not Mockus, is not just a wave. I understand the despair of Santos and the bad conscience of Uribe. The tide is coming does not pursue the ill of anyone but the good of all. Even those who did not know the forgiveness and repentance have rights that must be respected and protected. No one is touting vengeance and retaliation laws, only that the law is respected, sacred public money, and lives the common good that will be raised to the dignity it deserves.
For God may not exist, or that there is the way we imagine. But Colombia has suffered too much war, too much theft and contempt, too much pain, that nobody has any doubt, then life calls for peace, and the hands are raised not to vote for more of the same, but all Otherwise, although not otherwise fit and unknown words only intuit, fragmentary and disjointed. However, better be good to know that bad-known but is repugnant to both positivism lined loose opportunism false, as false as the false positive blood stained the Government of democratic security.
Because if the future is unclear, at least it is clear that we do not repeat the past and depressed. The certainties of the fans had their day-ending. The time is coming of doubt reflects, head cold and calm and healthy pause. To change history must break out of her where she re-entered and processed inside to outside change everything, everything hurts and sucks, all we have the right not to support a more just government.
Welcome to the uncertainty which is also the name of freedom.
So I see myself.
The 159 articles included in the published series, launched in March 2005 - ASI YO LA VEO available to the reader in www.lapazencolombia.blogspot.com
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