SO THE VEO YO - Year 6
2002 - 2010: war mandate legal mandate
By Juan Rubbini

Mockus The great elector has been first 'reeleccionitis' Uribe and then the Court that prevented the second re-election, as well as it was Pastrana Caguan Uribe and 8,000 of it was Pastrana Samper. Today it's up to Juan Manuel Serpa act as, and in both cases, the opinion held that where those preached loyalty to the leader, which first effect is the hypocrisy of wanting to profit from the work of others. Colombia spurned at the polls the alleged loyalty Serpa Samper, and is now ready to be humiliated in the polls barely concealed loyalty Santos Uribe. Finally, the loyalty that citizens vote are rewarded with true loyalty to the needs and popular aspirations, no opportunistic loyalty 'heirs successors. " Colombia is not satisfied, rather it is indigestible, with the goals of 2002 and wave surfing on the green toward goals to overcome the past and squeezed by the new to come.
Democracy is uncertainty and alternation, risk and change, diversity and contradiction, and even a welcome diversity and creative disorder. Mockus embodies those values, while Juan Manuel is the certainty of more of the same, the boredom of repetition, the order of militarism, the freezing of movement, the unanimity arrogant. But something else, Santos stands in the eyes of the voters on establishment, business, interest, and-last sentence, also the pain and death that war brings with her stuffy rituals of hymns and marches. Mockus, however, the study makes visible the values \u200b\u200band pedagogy, infallible remedy laughter and self-confidence that drives away the stress, the culture of life and respect the rights of others, be my neighbor in the neighborhood or the same Correa or Chavez in his country. There is no doubt that Colombia would have voted for a third term for Uribe, but more grateful recognition to his efforts and sincere personal-titanic-tune that because even with their obsessions and biases despotic repressive and intolerant.
Uribe in 2010 If you have forgiven their limitations and anachronisms, with Santos voting is another price, and rough estimates we see that the checkbook was with his endorsement of Uribe has no funds for which spin simply because Uribe kept the petty cash that would have reached for a third term but that is not enough Saints to win. And this does not bode well for low values \u200b\u200bof Juan Manuel but the uniqueness of Uribe's leadership as the limit of which found him in the Constitutional Court and not in popular favor. This is good to recognize it, and good will that Mockus not balk because otherwise the Green Wave will not stand beyond the honeymoon flattering to expect and which will have its first test in Congress rather than receive it in regional elections of 2011 which will have its first test really crucial.
If national politics and the issue seems resolved, and the second round might be needed in regional politics is where the deep Colombia map posturibismo not even begun to emerge. Interestingly, in a country torn by decades of armed conflict and drug trafficking, populated by millions of victims and survivors, these are not matters of life and death of leading the discussion, but rather seems to be lying on these thorny issues accomplice veil and disturbing that recommended that "this is not spoken or discussed." Silence is understandable when the 'democratic security' is being advantaged in the polls by the 'democratic legitimacy' and some appeal to verbal terrorism and the media for the security discourse prevails, and the others have not yet found the speech must preach without giving that as the armed conflict peacebuilding also requires that the 'democratic legitimacy' is imposed on the speech militaristic and inhuman practice that in war anything goes. However, there is no doubt that the popular mandate to impose democratic rule on the mandate of the war by any means, negotiated political settlement of the armed conflict back to the forefront, not only as a humanitarian issue, not only as a question of economic rationality, but also and mainly as a high and deep continental geopolitical federalist content to internal integration and inclusion of the country.
Armed conflict and its component 'narco' originating from large areas of the Colombian regions where the state of democratic security before entering stop when the AUC demobilization being offered turnkey "President Uribe monopoly of force as the ultimate proof that his intentions and determination to abandon all illegal was firm and final. For reasons that have not yet come to light but that will soon emerge to the rule of 'democratic legitimacy' inatajable progresses, not only in citizenship but revived in the bowels of the Cortes, the government of "democratic security" decided to imprison the counterpart in the table and ignore the agreements in the first pregnancy favoring the reelection of Uribe start the end of armed conflict and drug trafficking. State your reasons may have had, but it's time to make them public, now that the mandate is about to extend the new President the people of Colombia, unequivocally subordinates any security mandate than the mandate of the Law and Justice.
This is what the May 30, to change substantially for a term of war -The 2002 and 2006 - for a term of law, where not only respect the laws of war when war is unavoidable, but where the laws of Justice and Peace received from across the state, not only from the courtroom the deserved respect and support, so that the armed conflict, including military and police-can trust and rely strongly on the peacebuilding and reconciliation in Colombia will have enough support, warranties and honesty on the part of the state the Government, judges and Congress.
will not perpetuate war over rabbits or actors in the conflict and peace, but to build bridges where eight years of democratic security fortress walls and planted up 'state injustices': due to betray the trust between the parties to the agreement for the sake of supposed reasons of state, who will perform research in due process if they were really such, or such coated for cover excessive ambitions and shameful. When negotiating with the state also illegal actors of war are entitled to have their peace negotiators rights will be respected and protected.
"A Security put him under arrest," they said in times when you wanted to graph aged in this world nothing is certain. It is contained in these times, here and now, when millions of citizens prepare to vote May 30 for a period of 'democratic legitimacy' to which the 'democratic security' shall be subordinated and also the necessary consensus to make it possible to build and consolidate peace. Because
countries move and honest progress when the laws are respected and violations do not go unpunished, "who falls and no matter what."
So I see myself.
The 157 articles included in the published series, launched in March 2005 - ASI YO LA VEO available to the reader in
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