SO THE VEO YO - Year 6
The key to peace and closed-mindedness
By Juan Rubbini
"You do not want progress? You'll revolutions "(Victor Hugo, the Chamber of Deputies in 1850)

However, the comparison is a paradox historically revealing. Could it be that after the 'spring of Santos' continue in the coming years a return of Uribe charged if no tank, probably a tiger? We will have to follow closely the movements of 'Uribito' Arias and Jose Obdulio literature, not return to the past key but in anticipation of the future. That the risk is not in memory but desires, at least the desire for revenge, to go by what convinces us that a god is one, or few, it does not matter.
Where I see the 'Holy Spring'? In the embrace of Chavez and Correa, in refusing to use the word war, in the invitation to peace and willingness to dialogue with the rebels in reaching out to the opposition under the banner of national unity, cordial relations with the judiciary, in good ways with the Congress in order to honor the victims, to bring social justice, to increase employment, to redistribute land doing justice to the displaced. Finally, democracy and the constitution are grounded on the individual and his reason, on pluralism of thought and tolerance. On this set the rest, which comes in addition, even if they work hard for this beauty is made socially.
When in my previous column calling on the FARC or refused to assume responsibility for the car bomb in Bogotá was the implicit interest to know whether Colombia can count on the FARC to the announcement of the 'spring' or whether In contrast, those longing for the return of Uribe and his regime to fight it and be its armed opposition. At nearly dropped Franco in Spain the left coined a phrase that became famous for its irony: "We were better against Franco." If the proposed FARC Uribe's return to power have to be achieved, and tactical allies on the far right does not cease. It is in this sense that the car bomb could be a modest fee iniclal. Or not?
One understands that the FARC is not going to happen to deny its responsibility in all matters criminal in not involved, if only because one day they forget to disprove something and bam! saddled him. It is also true that in war, disinformation is a weapon as others. But one thing is one thing and another something else. Because there are instances of cases, and exceptions that prove the rule. The bombing on 12 August at 5:27 a.m., in the seventh with 67, - against Caracol? - It was like to go from crouch. At least not to stoop to pass if it comes to true about 'let's talk, man' launched by 'Alfonso Cano'.
are paying the highest price in prison today and leaders of the AUC extradited for failing to anchor the process of peace in the hearts and minds of Colombians. For not having come to realize that while their commanders engaged in acts of peace, tangible and evident, more than 30,000 demobilized combatants, and never made any guerrillas in Colombia " his opponents and his enemies knew his intentions attributed to the most despicable and evil intentions thus invalidating the media so that those commanders had in mind when deciding his farewell to arms. Self-Defense Forces are allowed to do the goal-that ultimately defined the result, until Uribe suspended the game, which remains suspended, "that would steal their intentions, would invalidate, were invented others that were not those of Castaño and Mancuso, and so I started lying to steal the show at the truth that has yet to be known. And today is that the Colombian public has registered as intentions of the self what the Uribe government and its opponents left and right that people have wanted to think of the intentions of the self. Very serious, and if no deal be made known in all that society impacts the FARC and the ELN that his enemies will appear in public the way they want, not like they need if they want to build will to make peace and remove structures have to be removed.
FARC-ELN and also should know that neither Chavez nor Unasur, or any powerful nation on Earth can work miracles and win the hearts of Colombians for peace and reconciliation, forgiveness, even if guerrilla commanders, such as Self are still time-do not take their hands on a new way of communicating with ordinary people with ordinary people, and generally the whole society, not through slogans or chants for their own cause and epic, but working together, honest and industrious, to make Colombia a peaceful haven where the springs do not last as long as a fleeting affair or victims remain victimized for the sake of a win set on more and more dead and maimed, mangled in the body and soul by dreams of a few who are more nightmares.
The government is also slow to admit that he has been great to be 'judge and party "in Justice and Peace and that as we there will be no justice or for the victims nor the perpetrators. This is serious for Colombia because it perpetuates the conditions that make conflict possible to restrain the right to truth and reparation. And when I say that the Government, for more 'holy' that is-is' judge and jury "because a government is extraditing the truth of the demobilized and away from his former accomplices and his victims, their prosecutors and judges , is a part of the state conflict actor involved as well, which holds itself up in court without giving the guarantees of a fair trial, not even the physical and logistical resources to fulfill in a timely manner procedures established by law
Therefore, it does not sound logical that the Santos administration attaches conditions to the rebels to start talks where there is the impact of a peace process with the AUC where the previous government failed to fulfill its commitments Ralito table and haughtily brags of 'rabbit' monumental who is now half the country and much more with 'BACRIM' and other plants making the rounds as a result of a bad peace process that had to be perfect, and it could be because the conditions were. Yet it is neither perfect nor serious. Also a liability as the Uribe government with little interest in removing all paramilitary and further away from any serious intention of ending the illegal crops. If the FARC
resort to Unasur, if ELN appeals to the international community, if the self-defense claim their right to a fair trial and a full rehabilitation is something that requires the new government to think through your strategy. Because if it is true, today we live a 'spring', and God wants to be prolonged, it is equally true that among their inheritance, not only are the three famous eggs Uribe, but also one or two rotten eggs, including the 'egg broken trust in the State', in his word, in its commitment to peace.
that is well known that 'the confidence kills man 'but it is also true that if there is trust between the parties, if not encouraged in the other trust in the word itself, the keys to peace will be on the table, but no door is open to them .
Because finally, opening the door to peace is not the key itself, but the hand that carries and leads the specified purpose, the lock we all have in our own mind and heart.
So I see myself.
The 167 articles included in the published series, launched in March 2005 - ASI YO LA VEO available to the reader in
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