SO THE VEO YO - Year 6
can encourage slight whisper who dare to take flight from the shrapnel and fire

August 17, 2010
Salvatore, on the day of your birthday:
I write to arrive to you my best wishes for happy birthdays and my wife and children. Not the circumstances we would have liked but what touched us most in adversity? but to hope that there will be other birthdays that you can fully enjoy the company of loved ones nearby. We would like poderte
give the precious gift of freedom, but that is not possible, we can augurarte you preserve and strengthen your inner freedom, that freedom to be yourself, to continue building from the current limitations of conditions that make possible tomorrow outside your own freedom, your freedom to do, to go and come wherever you wish.
In these weeks I've been reading a lot about the conflict, their ancient origins, its haphazard development and the circumstances that come year after year until the present. The more I read the more I realize I'm still far from able to lock in a few sentences so much tragedy and misunderstanding among Colombians. The course of history has been so full of cruelty and hypocrisy, and are incredible truths that attempt to explain the events, clouding the minds of so many lies and unspeakable interests that are perceived only the mind begins to connect the dots. What is constant is the land, the dispute focuses on the power that makes it possible to retain it, treasure it. Because, of course, land is not like the ticket that can be carried from one place to another. The earth stands still and is subjected to the powerful in power, those who cherish, not always to produce wealth, often only to display it, complacency and feel strong in their possession.
illicit crops are another misfortune that came to Colombian land on earth, but that was after, long after the social and armed conflict, had begun. Illicit crops account for resources that finance the war and make it spread throughout the territory, but even without illicit crops armed conflict exist, to a lesser extent, for the same reasons of social injustice and economic interests, and geopolitical, which rise much even before the April 9, 1948. Given the reality that hits the country, or take the road of exile, or live with the problem. And if you live with, or benefits from the conflict or harm. Or you remain neutral, or trying to get their hands on the ideal of helping to solve it. O be referred to the State to receive the defense or the defense is organized assuming de facto reality, that the State is yourself, at least, is self in this space and time where fate has placed us.
You are the best testimony of how, having entered the conflict because threatening to heed the call made to your door, not with the intention to protect those beaten down but the door was behind everything, including your honor, your life and your freedom, you are now deprived of liberty, stained in your honor and perhaps for ever threatened your life. Between that yesterday and today, suffered in the flesh the pain of victims and perpetrators pain because pain is inevitable that only come with the war, who has lived alone can feel them. So once you said that the best war is not done, and the worst war is lost. And you felt you had already lived a hundred years. So as not to lose the war, because in losing our lives are-are killed and oh paradox! will discover very quickly that no death is alien to us, and with each death, friend or foe, is also killed one. So end all wars is the greatest cause that humanity can undertake and assume as the ideal human life.
reading about the conflict we read a lot about the peace process, the various attempts to put an end to hostilities. And there is no enemies of peace. Not enough to install the germ idea of \u200b\u200ba dialogue process and the comments appear immediately insidious misinformation, heinous acts, threats, stigmatization, slander. Colombia has almost as much time of armed conflict and attempts to consolidate peace processes. Today, while some take the gun, and others place the explosives, there are efforts to create conditions conducive to peace approaches. Surely no shortage of young people today who are seduced by the weapons of the left, or right, or the simple defense of the family property. It is to these young people, some teenagers, your example should reach out. With your truths to fist, which include good and bad, heroic and wrong, of reason and unreason, the arguments and fallacies that you took of civility to the war and the war in jail, and prison into exile in another prison, but always for the same consequences of a war that one day you only wanted to defend, who later wanted to do away with the victory, and later with the same good faith and as always, but with a renewed spirit, Login to join you set out to understand the peaceful forces-a point of so much death and pain-Peace is not just the goal, is the way, the only way by which those who were once enemies can be reconciled.
I wanted to write this for you to know that if I insist on reading and reading, summarize and draw conclusions, reflect and write about these issues of war and peace, is because I know I am convinced that your effort deserves recognition peace and solidarity . Trouble finding words, it is difficult to synthesize so many years of accumulated blood of shattered lives of countless suffering, yet unable to envision the light at the end of the tunnel. You can register healthy attempts to pacify the country and spirits, can encourage slight whisper who dare to take flight from the shrapnel and fire, but that has been and remains insufficient. For as there are those who only see their interest, are those who will not see anything and prefer to live and die in the darkness of their minds frivolous and apathy of their hearts indifferent to the horror.
If this birthday you get closer to the mythical summit of the 50 that usually estimated as half of life, especially in these days when a life of 100 years no longer looks like a utopia, if we manage well, and God gives us health, we can only augurarte the second half of life is neither to defend nor much less for the war, where today it is still necessary legal defense tomorrow flourish and peace offering, or said Otherwise the offering gentle and good for your second half of life, the final- the cause of peace, not only in Colombia, also in the world. There is no better way, you can not have, I assure you I humbly but convinced that the more I read trying to understand the war, most understand that if we are still alive, there is no better way to live in peace, building it where it does not there, enjoying it which is here. But for this the first essential peace is inner peace, of oneself to oneself, it is us who must forgive first and is with us and for us who must make peace.
So I see myself.
Happy Birthday, John
The 166 articles in the series published-initiated March 2005 - ASI YO LA VEO available to the reader in
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