SO THE VEO YO - Year 6
La Paz of Colombia does have enemies, do not give them papaya!

"Colombia is ripe for Peace", I wrote in my column last week. Today, a few hours a car bomb attack in Bogotá, I have to add that, here and now, the Peace of Colombia's criminal enemies who do not hesitate to appeal to such terrorism to 'respect' their interests.
As I know the facts and the relief I rejoiced the soul with the good news that the attack did not cause fatalities or serious, were taking shape now write these lines.
As usual in such cases the average delay in publicizing the extent of the terrorist act that started shooting hypotheses about the possible perpetrators. It is a truism that the first dart-rightly or wrongly-point to the FARC. Always the case. So far so within the foreseeable. We are all aware that there are those who are interested in ascribing to the FARC that they neither made nor thought to do. The same thing happened before with the self-defense: Become fame to bed and lie in that film as "the last sentence you. "
However, I would argue that just as simple as throwing complex hypothesis unravel after a few hours on the same basis.
Who harms the attack? I mean who do harm to it awarded responsibility for the attack? At this juncture, just days away from the momentous speech of Juan Manuel Santos on the day of his inauguration, and just forty-eight hours of his meeting with Chavez in Santa Marta, whom I am convinced that the attack really hurts is people like ' Alfonso Cano 'are proposing that we're talking, man' Colombians about the beginning of the end of armed conflict through dialogue and political settlement.
That said I can think also undermine the intentions of the new President willing to bend the blade not only with the Government of Venezuela but also in the series of mishaps and clashes that occurred during the presidency of Uribe and Ecuador, the High Courts and the political opposition. Also, if Uribe has sought to go down in history as the president who won the international war without end, but has made progress in that direction, the first steps of President Santos indicated that he was charmed with the possibility of becoming the President who won Peace for Colombia.
In good faith and without calculation of any nature, I dare say that I do not think "no way" that the FARC secretariat, much less 'Alfonso Cano' are behind the terrorist attack this morning. I do not rule, however, that the FARC have also their 'wheels loose' little or no interest in the proposed dialogue with the Government is accepted. This should not surprise - the possible absence of monolithic unity today inside the FARC, because neither the leadership of 'Cano' is sufficiently strengthened following the death of Marulanda and Reyes, and communications are flowing between the various bodies that make decisions. Also, not least, keep in mind that the infiltration is taking a toll on the exposed periphery, especially in cities, and not only there-of farianos. This is the result of "democratic security" and continues to face risks hatching a possible change in government policy strategy for resolving the conflict. Change of strategy is still 'see' but which are being woven hypothesis that safety concerns-and many-to those who benefit from the continuation of the conflict, not only in organized crime but also between 'Bad apples' who swarm around the state and its meanders.
So, just as I do not think of anything better to politely ask the Secretariat, and particularly to 'Alfonso Cano'-to take or deny their responsibility for the attack today. If you have any responsibility for it, please, on behalf of those who want to build the Peace of Colombia, say it, express it clearly. Do not ask them to explain the possible reasons that justify not simply ask that you make known to Colombians who did if they did.
But with the same intention, clarifying, and 'revolutionary honesta'-I ask the Secretariat and 'Alfonso Cano', which, otherwise, deny emphatically and without any doubt, any liability for action or inaction on the criminal attack today if they were not involved this time.
is little if any effort is not put Talanquera to what in itself is already very difficult, as to win back the hearts of Colombians to the peace talks and political settlement agreed. For a start, and today, which fortunately was not tragedy be the turning point that achieves tune with the necessity of virtue:
Virtue recognize and assume the own guilt, or innocence claim outraged-and need-and-restore vital in Colombia-the sooner, the foundation of trust and dialogue, above all enmity and rifle. The time required
credibility, truth, commitment to peace and justice. Do not forget, if we turn the page, also on issues of violence and armed conflict.
So I see myself.
The 165 articles included in the published series, launched in March 2005 - ASI YO LA VEO available to the reader in
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