SO THE VEO YO - Year 7
Colombia no longer resist neither war nor peace processes' half 'or parceled
By Juan Rubbini
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This comes about because the State will have no credibility Colombian issues of peace and transitional justice if the wrong precedent, not remedied until today, which has laid Uribe with the paramilitaries in flagrant breach of the agreement is not repaired properly. The precedent-that has not gone unnoticed by the international community, is a major obstacle for future peace negotiations with the guerrillas, and even no longer be present on the table from any possible referral to the justice they want to agree with now called the 'BACRIM'.
my opinion that transitional justice and peace processes formalization of status offenders, criminals, people who acted outside the law, must be considered a condition of the past, while the status of peace actors, builders of reconciliation, should protect and to uplift people who have taken the significant step from war to peace, lies to the Indeed, the damage to repair, crime and crime are not repeated, the civility no turning back. What otherwise would be to assume that 'the last sentence you' and whatever you do you'll still be considered a criminal, a criminal. If this were to be so applied and enforced the penalty would have no social effect and return to society with their full rights should never be verified. No missing
in Colombia, nor in the world who are willing to judge the actors of the Colombian armed conflict and to apply or not this or that sentence and give them certain rights or not, depending on the ideology of fighting, as had been the busy side in the course of armed conflict. In this sense there are some influential missing or who make a sharp distinction between them and other players in the war, and this irrespective of whether who it is availed or not a peace process with the intention of abandoning their weapons and subject to the conditions of transitional and restorative justice.
's why it's important to ask here and now if when President Santos emphasized that "We him whom we meet we meet! "takes its responsibility as head of state, not only for the present and the future that fits while in office but also representing the current Chairman and institutional continuity of the State Constitution and in this as owner of the liabilities incurred by the Colombian government in the past, which is not affected as a person but it committed in its role as representative of the State of the State made and unmade in the past.
The state is armed conflict, by action or omission, at least half a century ago. And also an actor in the peace processes that have taken place in the various attempts to end the war. Among these peace processes, with pluses and minuses, their merits and shortcomings, is the so shaken in recent days with the former Presidents Pastrana and Uribe about the 'BACRIM' and its origin, known as 'process Ralito' , which was the first peace process sought after Caguan. Regarding the latter not expected to be repeated with Santos Pastrana replica of one of but many aspire to try to FARC, and ELN-join the civility and democracy. But this is not enough under the conditions of Colombia, does not reach out or reach. Because
accept it or not Manichean and ideologically biased, the reality is stubborn, the story is proven and verifiable: the paramilitaries, the paramilitary and the 'BACRIM "not only existed for decades, almost as many as guerrillas, with different names, characteristics and' indulgence 'more entrenched in the state allies, tokens or just' apples-podridas' that makes no sense to pretend at this point that the social and armed conflict in Colombia has had and has only two actors: the state and guerrillas. The 'third actor' exists and has existed independently in their objectives and autonomy in their finances and their relationships with the state or assimilate to the state or confuse it with him.
So, public opinion is right to condemn the errors and horrors that accompanied Caguan and Ralito. But to condemn what went wrong can not and should condemn the Colombians not to keep trying to sit at the peace table to the various armed actors in single or separate tables, at home or abroad, but will have inevitably converge and 'land' in the country, because Colombia can no longer withstand neither war nor peace processes 'half' or parcels, not the 'rabbits' between the parties nor weapons, extradition and blackmail as instruments of pressure in the 'anything goes' come on back and play, as the war that refuses to die, and while she refuses to kill us or binds us, that does not free us what kills us, nor is life if not released.
So I see myself.
The 174 articles included in the published series, launched in March 2005 - ASI YO LA VEO available to the reader in
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