Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My Little Sister Is Flirting

for not accepting your blocks and negative energies: Sorry, sorry, Thank You, I Love You.

Sorry, sorry, I love you, thanks!

  • Not knowing how to get to you, not to understand you, to get away, not let you get close, not to do what you want me to do:

Sorry, sorry, Thank You, I Love You.

  • Not to approve the way you live your life, trying to change it to trial:

Sorry, sorry, Thank You, I Love You.

  • to forget how to create connection and have a deep conversation:

Sorry, sorry, Thank You, I Love You.

  • By not accepting your blocks and negative energies:

Sorry, sorry, Thank You, I Love You.

  • of inaction and apathy I see in you:}

Sorry, sorry, Thank You, I Love You.

  • For criticize your control dramas and respond with indifference:

Sorry, sorry, Thank You, I Love You.

  • For the attraction of shortages in many ways your life

Sorry, sorry, Thank You, I Love You.

  • by greed and pursuit of material wealth:

Sorry, sorry, Thank You, I Love You.

  • For the assumptions and lack of communication that create loneliness and estrangement:

Sorry, sorry, Thank You, I Love You.

I declare peace with all beings on the planet, release all those who believed were abused, I apologize for that someone for that moment in time, this sacred space that I inhabit daily and I do not feel comfortable, so hard for this relationship, for what i do not like my present life, past and my surroundings, something ke is contributing to my meager: Sorry, sorry, Thank You, I Love You!

Transmute all these energies undesirable pure light ... and it is. At this moment I say that I Love You.

  • I'm sorry, forgive me for what is in me (inside) that has created this. And sorry, I love. I forgive because it is creating this reality. "

  • Perdoname: for whatever is in my heart that manifests as a problem (in me or you)"

  • I love you: The "I love you changes the energy of being stuck to flow. I reconnected with God. Since the zero state is pure love, and has zero limits, you are starting to get that state by expressing love. When that phrase is followed by a "Thank You" you are expressing gratitude. Show your faith that the issue will be resolved in the best way possible.

  • Thanks, "I am grateful and thank you" is our expression of gratitude, and faith that everything will be resolved for the greater good of all concerned.


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