Saturday, February 19, 2011

Marine Engineering Cut Off

I Love You: Free, with wings, with light

I love you, and now accept the adventure of exploring and discovering with you what you save more beyond your masks and your defenses.

look with tenderness your deepest feelings, your fears, your weaknesses, your hopes and joys, your pain and your desires.

I love you, and understand that behind your apparent shell lies a sensitive heart, lonely, hungry for a helping hand and a sincere smile that you can feel at home.

I love you, and with the greatest respect I understand that the disharmony and chaos in which you live are often the product of your ignore and your not aware. I realize that if you generate unhappiness is because you have not learned how to sow happiness, and sometimes you feel so empty and so meaningless, you can not trust yourself and recognize your wealth, but at this moment, discover and honor above any appearance, your true identity and your value and honestly appreciate your infinite greatness as a unique and unrepeatable expression of Life.

I love you and sincerely from Today I give you the opportunity to be heard with rapt attention, interest and respect. I agree your experience without trying to change it, but to understand. I offer a space where you can discover yourself without fear of being qualified, in which open you feel confident, without being forced to reveal what they consider private.

I love you, recognize, and from this time show you that you have the inalienable right to choose your own path, although this does not coincide with mine. From this moment, I let you discover your inner truth for yourself, your way, I appreciate you unconditionally, without judging, without reprobarte, without asking you to act according to my expectations, without requiring you to mold you to my ideals, have the right to be yourself.

I love you and appreciate you for who you are, not because they want you to like me. I trust your ability to learn from your experiences and getting out of your falls, stronger, more mature, I have full faith and absolute confidence in your power as an individual.

I love you, and joy of the fortunate to voluntarily commit to you, and from this day actively respond to your need for personal development. I believe in you when you doubt, you spread with my life and my enthusiasm when you are about to give up, you support when you falter, I encourage you when you hesitate, you took from the hands firmly when you feel weak, I trust you when something is overwhelming, and gently caress you when something sad, not drag me for your misery.

I love you, I share your joy and I rejoice with you when you feel happy. I delight in your presence, but not intend to possess, enjoy your company, but do not want to hold you or hinder your flight. Savoring the gift of sharing in this, for the simple pleasure of being together without ties or obligations imposed by the spontaneous decision to answer freely.

I do not want me, I love you you, I love you free, I love you like I love the breeze that comes and goes, and caresses my cheek.

I love you and I have enough humility to receive your kindness and your love without playing the role for which nothing needs; gladly accept what you offer me, but do not ask you to give me what can not or do not want.

I love you and I thank the miracle life of your existence, then I feel your presence a blessing in my way, thanks for being.

I love you, and this is why I do not depend on you as if it depended not be love but lack, do not depend you, I love you.

enjoyed our meeting today, knowing that every day is an adventure uncertain and that tomorrow is a perennial mystery. From today, live as if the last day I can share with you, so that each encounter is so intense and so deep as if for the first time I took my hand, y en esta forma hago que lo cotidiano sea siempre una creación distinta y milagrosa. 

Me atrevo a mostrarte mi cariño espontáneamente a través de mi mirada, de mis gestos y sonrisas, de mi caricia firme y delicada, de mi abrazo vigoroso, de mis besos, con palabras francas y sencillas, te amo. 

Te valoro por ser quien eres, aprecio tus riquezas interiores, aun aquellas que tú mismo desconoces. Veo tu potencial latente y desde hoy colaboro para que florezca la semilla que se encuentra dormida en tu interior. Tu desarrollo personal I care honestly, you stand by me and from that moment I let you discover your creative skills and your ability to breath all the fruit you can give, with unveiled before your eyes like the treasure in you, and cooperate with you for this life a experience richer and more meaningful.

I love you, and I also love myself and so from this day I also dare to set my own limits, and keep them firmly , I respect myself and therefore with all my love, do not let that violate my personal rights, nor do I tie or abridging my freedom to be who I am.

I love you and I have such confidence in myself and in you, without fear that harm our human relationship, from this moment I am free to express my anger, no offense, and I can say what bothers me and bothers no attempt to harm or hurt, I'm honest, I am truthful with you.

I love you, so I also recognize and respect your limitations and and like you, but do not idealize. Share and enjoy and accept the agreements disagreements, and I tell you with absolute certainty that if there comes a time in which obviously our roads were hopelessly incompatible, I am able to say goodbye in peace and harmony, so that both of us remember with gratitude for the shared treasure.

I love you, and love you more than I see in your individuality as a person and I value you perceive you as an expression of man, as a palpable manifestation of the transcendental and intangible essence called Being Human, which I am one.

Through you recognize the indescribable miracle of human nature that is my nature with all his greatness and his limitations, and through you, I can appreciate both the bright and shining facets of humanity and its dark and gloomy side.

I love you and of you love the whole human being and I love the real human nature as it is.

I love you and to love you, I love myself and I am proud to be a worthy and valuable note in the symphony of this world.

not know


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